Chains (Mayor x Macaque)

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TW: Mentions of Night Terrors, Toxic Mindset, Toxic Relationship, Kidnapping, Stalking and Unhealthy Love


Withering from his hand, the dark-furred monkey wanted to cry out in pure agony, yet not a single sound could escape his throat, not even a single squeak nor groan.

His lamp, shattered and on the ground.
The black wooden interiors of it, became nothing more than broken pieces,

Reflecting how his just a shattered soul, the lamp fragment scattered around the ground, now he was a,  shell of his former self.

"I'm all alone" His lips moved—but still nobody could hear his silent scream

The bright glow of blue, looming from the corner sting his nocturnal eyes.





Even late at night, or at day, Macaque woke up clutching the sheets of his bed. The demon was trembling badly due to the recent nightmares.

He looked like a hot mess, absolutely ugly with red sore eyes and how snot dripped down nostrils.

Macaque, felt alone. Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes— a single eye, the left one was useless, basically blind from that side and served no purpose other than to remind him, of what he lost in the past.

Even with his heightened sense. He could feel there was secretly a presence lingering near, but was too tired to even care anymore.

It was pitiful, how lonely he was, to the point where he didn't mind the stalker's attention, as that was the closet thing to a decent and intimate interaction, he'd ever had.

It was even more pitiful, that he fought to keep his life for centuries and had to be a henchman for some bone demon, to try and continue to live.

Everyone has the right to live, Yet for him.

It was more of a privilege.

It was difficult to keep his life intact, nor to live blissfully

Here he was now, sleeping in the 'comfort' of his own home, and so close to throw away all his hard work, by running away.

He, wrapped his arms around himself, trying to imagine, that someone was holding him and couldn't admit it but desperately clinged, on the thought of wanting to be embrace by someone comforting touch.

He wanted to be given whole hearted attention.

He wished, for someone to love him.

Macaque, stood up from his bed, his coarse hands grasped tightly on the edge of the desk, feeling impelled to stand properly despite knees shaking from the displeasing sensation that washed over him like a gust of strong wind.

Alas, Macaque dropped down on the marble floor like a raggedy ann doll, no longer having any strength to support himself nor call anyone to help, his insecurities knew no one would come for him.

Training, with the constant mindset  that asking for help, was a weakness, became  troubling at times, or always since it etched deep in is

His breath hitched, now taking sharp breaths before trying to stand up from the ground, but abruptly, a sudden glow of neon blue chains, attacked him.

The chains, restraining him, causing him to him paralysed upon impact.

Similarly in his dreams, bight neon blue eyes loomed over him in the sheer darkness.

"Even when my lady, has no use for you" The chains neared closer to the monkey's neck, as the voice cooed at him, with a sickening intent.

"You, are useful to me" The dark figure  whispered, his knuckles caressing the monkey's jawline, the glow of the chains, illuminated his more prominent features, showcasing his sharp smile.

The grin growing wider and wider as he tugged on the chains, pulling Macaque closer

"I hope my lady, will accept this" Just by words alone, It was finally clear to him who this trespasser was.

"I've been such a obedient servant towards her, surely she'll accept, us being bound together!"

Macaque, choked at his words.
When he asked for some company
He didn't mean this.

The chains, moved around his body, like snakes, slithering around his skin.

Almost suffocating him.

It took a toll on him and lost himself to the state on unconscious. The last thing he witness was dark blobs clouded his vision before letting slumber take over him

"She might even call it, destiny?" The masculine figure, giggled like a child that was given their precious treats— their precious hard cold treats.

"Could you image that?" Muttering, the bone demon's voice was tinted with joy and swiftly took the overly long coat from his own body, then dropped it loosely around his beloved's shoulder

His bright eyes peered at Macaque's sleeping figure for a single moment, expressing regret due to the dried tears, on their cheeks, but he had a hint of impenitence swirled onto it. One would find it possibly difficult to explain the contradicting emotions in his eyes.

Despite how pitiful Macaque's expression was, the Mayor still found a bit of enjoyment to it, instead.

To find someone, so melancholy like the colours of their fur, was difficult.

To find someone, that experienced the same thing as the fiend's past, was close to none.

The bone demon's taste, when it comes to— partners, was unusual and certainly unique, to try and find someone so broken, that would desperately cling at the small ounce of attention.

So easy to wrap his chains around.

Chronically Ill people, online was a common way to find someone close to his distinctive taste, but they all end up, disapointing him, due to their 'vulgar' ways.

But someone like Macaque, that was close to perfect, he was so deprived of affection and he! This town's mayor would give him the affection he needs, little by little.

Lifting him up the ground, the methallic restrains clinking against each other, accompanied by a faint screeching sound.
He carried, him away from the doju, the wide doors open wide, by the gust of harsh wind.

The demonic figure could only hum, a joyous tune— to signify what he'd accomplished.

He shown no sense of morality, nor guilt for his actions, just pure joy! Knowing, that Macaque was finally in his arms, after months, long grueling months of stalking them around the corner.

It was a hush hush secret, but the Mayor, Oh! He was the one that caused the monkey to constantly be in a nightmare lucid state.

Just to make him vulnerable.

"Imagine, You and Me! Intertwined by destiny."

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