Concentration (Part Two) (Wukong x MK)

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Prompt: When words won't work, Sun Wukong resorts to less savoury tactics, to keep his apprentice, from ever venturing far from him.

A/N: The second part, for both Focus and Concentration. I want to thank Sleepyangel39 for giving me the idea, without their help, I wouldn't be able to make a Part Two for this, They basically made the draft version for this chapter, so kudos to @Sleepyangel39
I couldn't be more than thankful.  :V

TW: Lying, Forced Isolation, Trickery Manipulation, Bruises, Betrayel, Trust Issues, Fake Homocide, Trauma, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Obsession and Toxic Mindset .



It was difficult, to fight off the clones, not due to the sheer amount of strength they all had, or being out numbered but rather, It was due to the appearance perfectly matching the demonic monkey, that made them.

It served as a constant—bitter reminder during battle, that MK was betrayed by his role model, The immortal being whom he looked up too for his entire life.

His chest felt heavy from the betrayel, but regardless of what injury he was receiving, or the emotional scarring. The brunette, was more than determined, to save his friends, to help fend off his once trusted mentor.

"Here comes, Monkie Ki—!" About to strike the final blow to the last clone, A beam of familiar light flashed so abruptly, that it blinded the young man, and on impluse, had shielded his eyes, with his arm but rendered him motionless for a single second.

He opened, his eyes and immediately hurried himself to a fighting stance, the end of the staff, pointing towards the Monkey's face, They grimaced. It felt like such a slap in the face, upon seeing Wukong, with such an easy going smile after the death threats and all the uncalled battles.

Especially, with the forced isolation.

"Woah. You did quite a number on the clones, Good Job." The sage clasped his hands together, making the last clone, disappear in a smoke of clouds, the only thing left of it's quick existence, was a single strand of ginger hair.    

It left MK, visibly confused on what was going onz and was the Monkie King, so relaxed, even going so far, as to say praises?

But, That detail didn't matter now, and lifted the staff up, and was about to smack Wukong with it, but the Simian caught the staff with his hand with ease, not even looking disappointed nor enraged, just a simple chillaxed expression.

"Don't be so defensive, kiddo" He was the original owner, after all so his own weapon couldn't hurt him. He harshly tugged, the end of the staff, and pulled the ivory-haired male, closer to him.

He, stumbled, trying to find his footing when being pulled, the only way he stood up 'properly' without falling face flat, was because, Wukong, held him from behind, or rather, had his tail, protectively wrap around his waist

"Besides, Don't ya wanna see your friends?"

Mk's jaw was wide open, He stood there, completely dumbfounded, a few hours ago, The Self-Proclaimed Great Sage, Equal to Heaven was dead set on isolating him from his friends. Now, he's saying that they're here on the mountain and waiting inside the temple.

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