Loyal (Azure x Wukong)

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TW: Toxic Mindset, Toxic Relationship, and Jealousy.

A/N: Just Azure being an loyal boy


Hearing the faint calling of his name,  down the caves, the demonic lion quickly fetched the basket filled with fresh peaches, and ran inside the place.

It didn't take him moments, No, Just a few mere seconds to even arrive to the supposive location.

Azure, happily did any bidding for the upcoming ruler of the Jade Palace, or the new ruler if their plan ever succeeded.

If he was bold enough, Maybe he could even call himself the right hand man, of his Monkie king— even more loyal than Macaque, as that monkey would constantly question his liege's actions but not him though! Azure wouldn't dare to talk behind Wukong.

"Azure, bud! What took ya so long?" The voice of his beloved king spoke so lazily and effortlessly but no one could blame his attitude.

Clearly he was just tired of always training and trying to take over the Jade Palace was no joke.

The lion did take a few good moments, to pick up the best peaches, but he tried to find perfect ripe ones, and no dents, not even sour ones.

"Sorry Wukong. I'll be faster next time."

For him, It would be mere treason to even hesitant for just a millisecond, to the orders, given to him by Wukong. If the royal highness, desired him to do a task, It would be done in a few simple strokes, no commotion, no retorts; Just a nod, to get the job finished.

His loyalty to him knows no bounds.

Handing over the peach, the white-furred lion happily watches the Monkie King eating it, the juices from the peach dripping down his chin. Oh, how Azure was intently eyeing it.

"Is there anything else you wish of me?" Rubbing his paws on the demon's shoulder, gave him a message but was just a facade to feel Wukong's ginger-hued fur, so soft and try to satisfy wanting to touch every nook and cranny of his beloved.

"Mhm, Not at the moment. I and Macaque will head somewhere though"

Azure, refrained from almost clawing Wukong, and stopped himself from sinking his claws deep inside the Monkey King— He had no right to hurt him, but the thought of someone else having Wukong's attention, really irked him.

How he longed to pull Wukong away and stare intently into his eyes, his claws deep within him and wanting to demand or beg his king to stay with him instead.

He doesn't even need to take over the Jade Emperor, they could just stay in a place somewhere, only the two of them, with Azure always on his knees, groveling at Wukong's every beck and call.

Instead, all he could have said was

"That's nice. Just enjoy your trip with him."

His voice was a nice per say, but someone with heightened hearing would sense, his words were dripping with disdain as if seeing his highness was a mere hindrance now.






Those were decades ago, there interaction was deeply missed by Azure. He oftened pondered to himself day after day, what would have happened if he actually chose to take Wukong, right there and then.

He wouldn't be happy, that would be obvious from the start but it was better dealing with a non cooperative Wukong than, not having him at all.

How he yearns, to touch his fur and whisper sweet nothings into his ear.

Now, his beloved majesty was chained underneath into mountain, for hundreds of years to even come.

The demonic lion, stared longingly at the mountain, always figuring out ways to destroy or atleast try to release his Majesty.

He knows Wukong is underneath there somewhere, but he just couldn't visit or be able to see him.

'Even if the heavens above cast you, I will always live to serve you.'

Therefore, he waited and waited, even if it took an eternity.

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