Distant Memory (Part One) (ShadowPeaches)

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Prompt: Macaque, finds a simple yet efficient way to keep Monkie King, in place.

TW: Lying, Imprisonment, Implied Abuse and Mentions of Torture, Struggling, Possessive Behavior, Kidnapping, and Toxic Unhealthy Mindset.

A/N: Admittedly speaking, I've rewritten this numerous times but I'm not satisfied with it—I just hope that it's understandable tho.

The scene for this story is a very old draft from my archived notes and thought I'd use it for this request & revise it, or try to. I just enjoy, recycling old and abandoned ideas. Like, taking them and using them for certain aspects of my stories.


The tall and unkempt grass tickled the King's legs which caused him to giggle cheerfully, The breeze, wafting with the scent of peaches, brushed against his skin, and patches of light brown fur.

A soft smile appeared on his face, when he heard small monkeys, following his trail, then proceeded to roll around the tall grass and attempted to catch the sage's attention, by making high-pitched noises or, offered his favorite pink coloured fruit.

He chuckled in amusement and took one bite, the sweet taste overfilling his tastebuds, making him more energized and got encouraged to dash across the meadows, jumping through rocks and Landing on boulders, to avoid the mud getting to his feet. The others, soon, followed him closely.

Wukong, was having the time of their life and enjoyed the sense of peacefulness that this mountain gave off. They never felt lonely, with his companions, and people, from afar worshipped him. The city even made numerous adaptations about him, that he'd binge-watch all those cheesy movies and series with his successor, every night, or when MK, had time too.

Near the waterfalls, The chestnut-hued monkey stopped in his tracks for a moment and glanced on top, to stare at the blue sky, the clouds rolling by forming shapes, into abstract blobs. It was a beautiful scenery that most people took granted, and he was no exception, but times like this, He tried to remind himself that 'little things should be valued' or, tried to follow it, the best he can.

When thinking about his previous self morals, The Self-Proclaimed Sage chuckled, but not like his usual vibrant and arrogant one, This one was more vain and just, plain bitter. The Immortal being, cursed himself greatly for hours on end for falling for the, most gullible tricks and opened his dried-up, eyes.

Almost losing that spark in his golden pupils.

Wukong slumped down, and uncomfortably leaned against the cold and grey concrete walls, as what he saw, was just a distant memory but honestly speaking., The once great king contemplated, whether it was a memory or just a dream, either way, It was the only thing that kept him going....To see the outside once more and run around the meadow before the unfortunate happens.

It didn't matter how much time passed, The determination and hope, in his eye, refused to leave him. Monkie King, trusted his prodigy enough that he'll come and rescue him from this dark realm.

There, was a lingering fear that he'd become a forgotten memory or someone that never existed in the first place, but couldn't voice out his thoughts about that internal to avoid getting heard by someone with six ears.

"Just a little longer" The, Former Great Sage's stylish blonde fur, was now disheveled and unkempt, multiple strands of it were sticking out due to the lack of grooming. "Kiddo, will come and save me"

No sound was heard, not even a droplet of water leaking, only his mumble about hope  The cellar was dark and secluded. The only light source his captor was kind enough to give was a wax candle that would lit up, whenever a certain someone might appear.

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