Delusional (Wukong x Tang)

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Prompt: Sun Wukong, after losing his Master, refuses to let this reincarnation of him, slip past his grasp.

He'd even cross out Tang's name, from the records of the Underworld, if he had to make his Master immortal, alongside him.

TW: NSFW, Triggering themes, such as sexual harassment, and assault, Subtle mentions of Kidnapping, Starvation (But, also Forced Feeding), Strong themes of Infatuation, Possessive Behavior, and Delusional Mindset

A/N: This one has a lot of trigger warnings, as I'm trying, to see if I'm able to write these types of themes, I don't want it to seem like I'm romanticizing this, because-this sh🍒t, is honestly a nightmare if you experience this in real life.

And, I'm kinda basing the Peach, of Immortality in the Movie of 'Monkey King Reborn' instead of Lego Monkie Kid.  ( I wrote this, before I was aware of where the immortal peach was kept, in the LMK Universe.)

Main Idea: Is that Monkie King, only loves Tang, because he's the exact copy both physically and 'personality' of his previous master. So, He thinks they're the same person. He only loves Tang, because he looks like his Previous Master, not because he genuinely loves him, or formed a sort of development.

Hence, the title Delusional.

But, I do know that Tang, is a reincarnation of him, but you get my point, lmao


The corner of Wukong's lips, twitched; forming into an apprehensive smile, at the sight of his Master's body, laying down on the orange silk, shoulders visibly exposed, the dark-haired adult's pale robe just loosely hanging on his body.

His body was thin and fragile as the only food Tang, was allowed to eat for weeks was peaches, making him lack any sort of nutrients and proteins. The color and shape would always vary every day. Some were sour and a few were too sweet.

But, It was always peaches.

A few, of the fruit was was oddly shaped, and he questioned if he was getting food poisoning, since he was barely breathing, at this point.

Today, The fruit closely resembled Buddha.

"You're delusional" Tang's voice was weak, having trouble, speaking. Drool came out of his mouth and dripped down his chin, the juices of the peaches smeared on his cheeks while he forcefully shoved a piece of fruit into the ebony adult's mouth again, much to his dismay.

The monkey paid no attention to his insults. As the animalistic being, was murmuring, about immortality when force feeding his master the pastel pink peaches, the other words he spoke made him sound even more delusioned and, the sentences even less coherent,

"I, don't just want your heart" The anthropomorphic monkey, dressed in his usual red and orange clad, muttered selfishly; expressing his desires and personal interest towards his beloved master, with little to no regard for how they felt.

Wukong, gaze upon him like some sort of trophy, for his eyes only, clear malicious intent swirled around his golden pupils. Just eager to ravish upon the meal resting in front of him, wanting to rip away the prey's pride and dignity and finally, making his beloved master, succumb to this fate.

"I'm not him" The scholar spoke out once more, the sweet fruit burning his throat from the lack of water. No matter what he did, It was difficult to try and knock Monkey King back to his sense, instead of always reciting his declaration of love. The same words, he'd say every day.

But every time, The brown-eyed man would would plea, It would always fall deaf to the monkey's ear.

"Your mouth, that speaks the most pitiful words"

Just seeing them utterly defenseless on the sheets, vulnerable to anyone, just gave the Self-Proclaimed, Great Sage a sense of authority, with a hint of satisfaction.

"I, also want that skin of yours, which is littered with flaws..."

A rush of excitement coursed through the immortal being's veins and purred in delight as he traced his long fingernails, around the sickly scholar collarbone which sent shivers down the poor man's spine, making them tremble.

"Your flesh, so soft and tender"

Wukong, leaned forward, dragging his warm tongue around the exposed skin, to the neck down to the collarbone, while Tang bit their lip harshly, refusing to whimper in front of the captor and not wanting to eat any of the peaches.
It felt so disgusting, to be kidnapped and forced to succumb to this. He didn't deserve this.

Tears, pricked at the corner of their eyes, at the final statement.

"I want your skin, flesh, bones. Everything but, most importantly your soul"

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