In Control (Wukong & Nezha)

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A/N: (At the end of the chapter)

This is a unfinished revision, not exactly proud of this piece. All of these, are purely 'platonic'—(specifically, hatred).


Prompt: Nezha, is a bit too fixated with the idea of defeating Wukong, instead of his mission.

TW: Horrible Fighting scene, Stab Wound, Cursing, Superiority Complex, Long Rivalry, Implied Self-degredations, and overall,  Toxic & Unhealthy Mindsets.


Using his spear, The sharper end of the weapon was thrown towards the Heaven Wrecker, His aim was better than the last one, as it specifically darted to the center of the Simian's chest.

"You may hit harder, but we all
know, I'm faster!"

The speed of the weapon, had forced Wukong, backwards and crashed through numerous mountains, creating large holes and roughly crashed, on a solid rock mountain that created a huge crater.

Cold beads of sweat dropped down the Lotus Prince's forehead and his breath hitched, feeling a tingling sensation on his chest, as if crushing his heart but it didn't feel like guilt, It felt like an odd sensation of loving something, you're not supposed too and tried to figure on what this foreign feeling, was.

"Spawn of a Bitch—!"  But his thoughts we're quickly interuppted, as what he was after was the rings of Samadhi and not the Monkie,itself.

He flew, through the center of the holes, that Wukong made, the golden rings, attached to his heels, made it easier to glide through the wind, and control his direction. It both functioned through sky and, the lands for skating to more slippery areas, like ice as  the temperature drop down during the winter at the Palace

The ribbons, tied on his shoulder, was dangling against the wind, but didn't block his sight, Nezha had good eye sight and watched, in pure amusement as the Monkie King, was trying to pull off the spear's blade, off his chest.

The immortal being, saw that Nezha was close by and impulsively tried to punch him when they're faces was just a few inches apart, but his fist was caught, immediately by Nezha.

The Celestial being, intertwined their fingers together, gripping on his hands with iron grip, not being gentle in the slightest

It was done on purpose to cement fear, to the Simian. The, Lotus Prince, was simply ecstatic, feeling the pride overflow him, as after years of extensive training.

He, was so close, with finally making the Sage, submit to defeat.

Yet, was even kind to do the heaven wrecker, a favour, by harshly pulling the spear, off their chest, blood coating the blade as the wound open up.

Nezha, knew that the immortal being wouldn't die from a single stab wound, even when being locked inside a large celestial cauldron at extreme temperature for years on end or thrown, into a pool of blades—It wouldn't kill him.

Although, The pain would restrain them, for awhile.

He, never once lost count on how many times they fought, always taking notes to see how he could improve.

Nezha's eyes trailed down at the Demon's chest, the clothing Wukong wore, was ripped in the center; a long rip indeed, that made the injury visible but knowing the Heaven Wrecker for a long time.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now