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Jungkook pov


Lisa's heels clacked as she ran down the wet, shimmering sidewalk.

The glowing city lights around us made my best friend look like an angelic savior, her arms outstretched to me.

"Lisa. Thank heavens." I pulled her close and kissed her made-up cheek.

Her familiar scent was home more than home was, and as usual, it had been far too long since we'd last seen each other.

She laughed and threw her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her height.

Lisa was petite, nearly a foot shorter than me, at my too-tall 6'4, even in her heels, but she never let me get out of a hug.

She squeezed tight and so did I, even more grateful for her presence than I normally would be.

"God, it's good to see you," she admitted as she pulled away from me, fixing her perfectly-styled hair.

Her curls were in a battle with the humidity in the air, still moist from the recent summer rain.

She was a mixed-race beta wolf, a natural brunette, but her balayage highlights made her seem blonder than the last time I'd seen her.

She had a tinkling laugh, like a Disney fairy. I adored her.

She had dated the vice president of my company for a few years, and as we became closer, the relationship between them had fallen apart.

She ran a high-end spa business with her two older sisters, and was almost as busy as I was, but when my rich, amoral family became too much, she always managed to arrive just in time to bring me back to earth.

"My sisters have been driving me crazy," she informed me.

She wasn't the only one with family drama. "Just wait," I warned her.

"Dad has an omega he wants me to meet."

"Oh?" she asked, arching a groomed brow at me. "And are you interested?"

I scoffed, glancing away toward the glistening street. Interested.

I didn't have time to be interested in much more than sex,but even if I were I couldn't imagine being interested in any omega my father had picked out.

"Hardly. It's about money."

Her clover-green eyes were appropriately horrified.

"Let's go inside," she suggested, nodding toward the restaurant where we'd arranged to meet.

"I have reservations," I promised, and wrapped my arm around her bare shoulders.

She was in couture, as usual, a mini dress twice as tiny as she was.

"Are you cold? You can have my suit jacket..."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "It's mid-summer. I'm sure I'll be fine for two feet, Jungkook."

"If you're sure," I teased.

Together, we entered the restaurant and were greeted by the beaming maitre d', who recognized me the moment I smiled at him.

Was it a bad sign that I had struck up an acquaintance with restaurant staff?

And that my dearest family member was my butler?

One day, I told myself, I would have to learn to cook.

The restaurant wasn't even as good as it was made out to be, but it was an acceptable place for dates and meetings and and I was too caught up in my old routines to find somewhere new.

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