9 (M)

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Jimin pulled me all the way back to our room settling onto that big, king-sized bed like he owned it.

Like that wasn't exactly where I was planning to sleep.

I settled next to him gazing into his impossibly-blue eyes, as he poured us each a hefty glass of whiskey.

The bottle clacked against the bedside table as he set it down and then he fixed his attention on me almost ominously.

"So MBA from Oxford, is it?"

"You didn't tell me that part."

I chuckled softly and downed my whiskey greedily.

The warmth in my stomach was more from being so close to Jimin than the alcohol and it was confusing.

Was Jimin getting so close to me now because I was paying him or because he actually wanted me?

It was the first time I'd really cared about it and even though I tried not to care.

To simply be curious, I knew that if this were just sex, just a job, I'd be disappointed.

I'd never knotted an omega before.

Never even wanted to.

And here was Jimin, breaking down all my barriers like he'd promised but I didn't even know if it was genuine.

"I suppose I don't find that part very impressive," I told him.

"Money, school, those aren't really accomplishments when they're forced on you."

"I don't know any other sort of life.

"I would love to travel or volunteering in the Japan."

"Or Something dangerous."

"To be vulnerable, for once."


"Truly independent."

I was getting loose, the drink is letting me relax around Jimin maybe too much.

As a businessman myself and the son of a mean and perfectionistic old man, I tried not to let my guard down.

Tried not to get too drunk.

But this weekend event was becoming a trial and I'd been leaning on booze more than usual.

I could have blamed it on the alcohol.

Truth be told, it wasn't that at all. It was Jimin.

Something about the omega was so unique.

I couldn't imagine another person even another omega making me feel the way he did.

That primal shiver, that primitive ache in my gut to grab him by the scruff of his neck with my teeth and fill him with the seed of my bloodline, was driving me mad.

I wanted Jimin to keep and it inclined me to trust him more than I should,considering how long we'd known each other.

"Why couldn't you have that now?"

"What's stopping you?" Jimin asked intently, leaning in close.

"I mean, I am independent, but not wealthy enough to risk it all by grabbing a backpack and heading for mosquito country."

"You could do that."

"You could come home and your fortune would still be here waiting."

Jimin had a good point but I knew in my gut why I could not. It was fear.

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