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I was tied to a chair in the summer home.

Jungmin, Aera and Joon were all tied to their own chairs in the dining room with me.

Jungmin was unconscious with a bloodied gash on his temple.

Jiwoo had knocked him over the head with his gun when he'd noticed him answering his phone through his pocket.

Aera was quietly whimpering a far picture from how I usually saw her, her make-up messy, her hair falling all over her face.

It was disturbing to me and I wasn't exactly aera's number-one fan.

Joon on the other hand was stone-faced.

He looked over at me, staring into my eyes but I had no idea what to do.

I felt so stupid just sitting there.

I needed a plan, I had to try something at least to buy My ally some time to come for us.

He would come for us, would not he?

I wanted to shift, hope the extra strength would allow me to break out of the bonds.

maybe just break the chair I was tied to but Jiwoo had a gun and if it had silver bullets he could just shoot me wolf or not and my baby and I would cease to exist.

I couldn't take that risk.

I glanced over at Jiwoo.

He stood in front of the window, staring out into the night, gun hanging loose in his hand.

For the moment, he wasn't looking at us but I was sure he was listening with his strong, alpha hearing for any thing we said to each other.

I would have to choose my words carefully.

"Aera." I whispered, leaning over toward her.

"Where's the rest of the staff?"

She shook her head helplessly, mascara smeared as tears went down her face.

I wanted to beg her to get herself together but I couldn't blame the woman for being terrified.

Her husband was unconscious dripping blood from his head.

I would be a blubbering mess too, if it were Jungkook.

It looked like Aera wasn't just a gold digger some part of her truly adored that man and she kept glancing over at him and then breaking down into more sobs.

"I-I dismissed them for the rest of the weekend."

"it's just Joon."

"Oh God." she moaned, sniffling and shaking her head.

She was right.

That was bad news.

But I couldn't blame her.

she hadn't known a psychopath would bring her son's boyfriend to her house, tie her and her husband and butler up and play games with us when she'd decided to give her staff a much-needed break.

None of us could have expected this except me.

I had brought all of this on them, on Jungkook.

And the worst part was that I'd known all along it could happen but I had pushed down that fear in the hope that Jungkook and I could really be happy together.

I had to count on Jungkook to figure it out.

He was smart, he had scent to follow and from how he had been acting around me since we'd found out I was pregnant, I knew he'd rip the world apart to find me.

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