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Jimin never came downstairs, not that I saw.

After a while, I started to worry and ran upstairs to find him, confused to find the room empty with not a sign of him.

I tore open the closet doors and pulled out every drawer, but it was no use.

All of his things were gone.

There was no note.

It was as if he had simply disappeared except for his strong, lingering scent which made me long to hold him, touch him, to at least know where he'd goddamn gone.

It drove me a little crazy.

I went berserk storming through the house calling for him throwing open every door in every room to look.

The mansion was huge but the further I went from our room, the less I smelled him and the more I was certain of what had happened.

He was gone.

Jimin was gone and I knew exactly who was responsible.

I threw open my father's office door without a knock and he looked up at me with a mixture of admonishment and amusement.

"Shouldn't you—" he started. I didn't let him finish.

I was absolutely furious.

It was one thing to try to set me up, one thing to push me at that disgustingly eager omega at every opportunity, but this had gone too far.

"What did you do? Did you pay him off? Did you threaten him?" I snarled at my father.

"I did nothing of the sort," he explained infuriatingly calm.

His condescending tone and cold eyes did nothing to help my anger.

"I'm sure," he said and he actually sounded happy.

Downright delighted.

"Jimin simply realized he was not made for this world and left as he should have long ago. As you and I both knew he would."

I couldn't control myself.

I snapped, the anger trembling through my body, and flew at him.

My father didn't give a shit about me.

For all I knew, he was lying to my face but even if he was not, he'd made it clear that my happiness was the least of his concerns.

In my anger, I grabbed him, throwing him out of his office chair and got him down on the ground.

"You son of a bitch!"

I lashed out with my fist, my breath heaving standing over him ready to hurt him, really do some damage for once.

Release my frustration.

It had taken me so long to get to this point but I had wanted it for years and years to just beat my father to the ground and make him pay, make him hurt like he had make me hurt.

But staring down into my dad's shocked eyes, I stopped myself. What did it matter?

It wouldn't make him respect me any more or less than he already did.

I couldn't change my history or what he had done or failed to do in raising me and I couldn't bring my mother and his mate back.

I couldn't make that right.

But I could be better.

I could be different.

I could be not him, a real alpha, strong enough to stop the cycle of pain.

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