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I watched as the bullet went wide and hit him in the leg.

Aera let out another scream, fighting the rope keeping her tied to the chair.

The smell of blood filled the air.

The room was chaos.

Jungkook took his chance and used the split second to rush Jiwoo.

As he did, he shifted into his wolf form big black and powerful.

Jiwoo had made the worst mistake of his life threatening our family.

Jungkook's teeth and claws bared, he leapt and slammed into the insane alpha with the force of a sledgehammer, tackling him to the ground.

Jungkook and Jiwoo were no longer men.

They were vicious alpha wolves in a fight to the death, tearing chunks out of each other.

I knew Jungkook would win, Jungkook would kill him but at what cost?

He had Jiwoo on the ground and was tearing at his throat with his teeth.

Jiwoo was half unconscious when Aera finally slipped out of her bonds and lunged for one of the guns.

I struggled to break free of my own bindings, squirming until they came loose.

"Aera wait!"

I went to her rubbing my wrists to bring blood flow back into my hands.

She was shaking aiming the gun at Jiwoo and panting covered in blood beneath Jungkook.

Her eyes sparked with rage.

I reached out and took the gun from her.

"Allow me." I said, a steely calm coming over me.

Jungkook moved out of the way for me to get a clear shot at Jiwoo, helpless and half dead on the floor.

I was certain that if he were allowed to live, if I showed any mercy in that moment, he would come back to haunt me and my family.

I pointed the gun and pulled the trigger in one motion, shooting Jiwoo in the head.

My hand didn't shake, not when I killed him but after-ward, I trembled from head to toe. I fell to the ground.

In the chaos that followed, Jungkook shifted back into a man and came to my side.

"Are you okay Baby."

"Talk to me. Are you okay?"

I nodded, numb. I was.

I wasn't hurt, physically.

The gunshot rang in my ears.

I had never killed anyone before But mostly, relief crushed my chest making me swallow down tears.

"Don't worry," Jungmin told us.

"Everything will be fine."

"I know people and I can make this disappear." Aera had knelt by his leg and was working to stop the bleeding.

"I know a doctor who can patch me up on the quiet," he assured her as well but he was an alpha, he would heal quickly on his own within a few days.

The blood poisoning from silver was a concern more than anything else but I saw Aera searching out a phone so he could make the call, and decided to let her handle it.

Joon came over to us.

Jungkook looked devastated when he faced him.

We all knew the decision he'd nearly made.

Joon pulled him into his arms and hugged him tightly. "It's okay. I love you, son,"

He assured him, stroking his back. "I'm alive."

Jungkook sighed in relief, returning the embrace and I knew that this would take a while for him to heal from.

He'd almost lost both of his father figures in one night, plus his mate and unborn child.

Namjoon stepped away to put a tablecloth over Jiwoo's body.

Jungkook took my hands and pulled me close. "I was so scared, Little flower and not just for the baby."

"I need you to know."

"I love you."

He was so sincere and I was shaking from the adrenaline but I threw myself into his arms,kissing him and holding him tight. He loved me.

He really loved me and that was all I needed in the world.

Not many people had told me they loved me Jiwoo had but I knew what his love meant now.

Every now and then a client would blurt it out during sex or after would try to claim they had fallen.

But this was different.

This was real love and it meant everything to me to hear the words finally from Jungkook's full lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, I love you so much, I couldn't stop thinking about where you were, what you'd do if you couldn't find me..." Jungkook shook his head.

"Don't worry about me. I'm going to spend the rest of my life making sure you're never in danger again." He placed his hands on my belly.

"This baby will have nothing to fear. Ever. I promise."

It was a promise I believed and I hugged him, tears in my eyes as he whispered in my ear.

"Jiminie, will you marry me?"

It was such a quiet, intimate murmur. "I know wolves have their own bond, we're mated for life and there will never be anything stronger than that."

"But marriage has always been a tradition in my family and I want this baby to grow up in a world where his dads can be married and in love."

"No one can take that from us."

I could barely breathe.

I nodded frantically. "Yes, yes of course." I whispered and kissed him again tasting my own happy tears.

We were interrupted by Mr Joen.

"Dad, I..." Jungkook choked up. He had a lot of baggage around his father and from the things he had told me, I knew why.

"Thank you," he said a little awkward but grateful.

"For what you did."

He didn't seem to know what to say or what the situation was after everything.

I took his hand and squeezed it, giving him my strength.

"You don't need to thank me. That's my grandchild in there" Jungmin said. We were both a little surprised to hear that.

I'd expected a little more admonishment but he just seemed a little pale and relieved like the rest of us.

He even looked at me with a certain amount of respect.

"It took facing death." he admitted.

"but I know I haven't been good to you, son."

"I was never there."

"I never focused on what really matters."

Jungkook nodded a little stiff, silent. Jungmin said, "Maybe I could be to my grandchild."

"if you allowed it."

Jungkook straightened his shoulders and glanced at me and then over to Joon.

I kept a tight grip on his hand.

"We can work on it." he said relenting.

I was wary but hopeful.

It seemed like it could be a light at the end of their tunnel.

"Besides."Jungkook added his mouth hitching up in a handsome smirk.

"someone's got to pay for this wedding."


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