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The first person I called was Lisa.

She answered her phone and seemed fine, completely unaware.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm at work," she said and I could hear the busy salon in the background, hair dryers going, new customers walking in.

"Kookie, what's going on?"

I didn't answer her.

I hung up, my mind spinning.

I had to think somehow, through the rage and the panic. Think.

There was no one else.

No one.

I'd always avoided getting close to anyone.

There were my parents and surely no one could think there was a whole lot of love there.

I hadn't even spoken to them since the night I bailed on the anniversary party.

There had been no talk of a disinheritance yet but I knew it was coming and honestly I struggled to care.

If it were my parents the psycho had gone for, trying to cut to the heart of me then he'd hit so far away from the mark—

It hit me then, in a rush of horror straight to my gut.


The only other man I'd ever loved,who had ever loved me.

That had to be who he'd taken.

It was the only one to make any sense.

The psychopathic asshole had taken the love of my life and threatened the only man who deserved to be considered my father.

My blood boiled searing my veins as I left the penthouse with my keys.

There was only one thing I could do.

I tried not to punch the elevator buttons down to the parking lot darting to my car.

I had to go back to the summer house, where my dad and Aera were staying until the end of September.

Joon would be there and if I were right, Jiwoo was taking Jimin there,a few steps ahead of me. I needed to be right.

As soon as I was out of the underground parking lot, I turned my car toward the airport.

I used my hands-free to call ahead, trembling when they put me on hold.

"I'm sorry sir, there are no flights out. Would you like to schedule for another day?"

I hung up. I had to drive.

I hooked a risky u-turn and sped toward the highway.

The longer I had to spend in that car, the more time I had to think and worry, my mind conjuring horror stories.

What exactly would Jiwoo do?

How psychotic was the alpha?

If he touched Joon or Jimin, I would kill him but he wouldn't hurt the baby would he?

He had already tried to beat Jimin to a pulp and who was to say he wouldn't kill Joon to scare me off?

I couldn't count on that.

I couldn't trust him at all.

"Call Jimin." I demanded of my car.

The phone rang and rang and eventually went completely dead.

Fuck. Fuck.

"Call Jeon Aera."

I was halfway there but it would be another two hours at least and I was going twice the speed limit.

Her phone rang and rang and then went to voicemail.

In desperation, I tried my father.

"Call Jeon Jungmin."

It rang and rang and then to my surprise he picked up.


"Dad? Are you all right?"

"Where's Joo-"

I heard a loud yell from the other end and then the line went dead.

I tried again and again.

No answer.

I gripped the steering wheel tight and pushed the pedal to the floor.

I couldn't let that bastard hurt my omega, not again.

He was baiting me, which clearly meant he had underestimated my capacity for violence.

It was one thing to hold back from punching my dad when I found Jiwoo and I would find him, I wasn't going to hold back.


OMEGA ON RENT || JIKOOK  ✅Where stories live. Discover now