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The drive was beautiful.

The trees rippled under the sunlight as the wind pushed through them.

Pink and yellow wildflowers and long summer grass swayed by the roadside beneath a clear, cloudless heaven.

The sky itself was crystal blue, too bright to be real, blinding me as I stared hopelessly into it, seeking some sort of answer, some justice.

I could call the police, but would they help me?

Would Jiwoo kill me first?

I was starting to realize I barely knew him and since he was willing to show up at another client's door, there was no telling what he might do to me.

My stomach was twisted in knots, and a sour taste had settled on my tongue.

It felt heavy but I knew I had to try to talk him out of this, convince him somehow to let me go.

Jiwoo kept glancing over at me like he wanted to devour me and I stared out the window deliberately, trying not to catch his eye.

As we started to get closer to the city, I knew more than ever that I had to say some thing.

Where did Jiwoo even think he was taking me?

Home, I hoped.

"You can't force me into a relationship," I finally sighed.

That should have been obvious but apparently Jiwoo lived by different rules than the rest of society.

"Why not?"

"I own you."

"You're my mate."

"I'm not."

"We're not mates."

"You're obsessed with me."

"There's a difference."

"How did you even find me?"

I finally looked at him, and saw the manic glint in his eye

It matched the edge to his voice, like he was just a moment away from utter insanity at any time.

"It doesn't matter," he said, with a little smirk.

"I've caught your scent."

I swallowed hard.

I wanted to jump out of the car, just throw myself from it while it was moving.

I tried to figure out if I would survive.

Probably, yes.

I was a shifter,I healed easily.

I could even change into my wolf form and run as fast as possible away from him, may be back in the direction of Jungkook but then I'd be leading him in exactly the direction I didn't want him to go.


Better to ditch him in the city, keep him distracted from the one man I actually gave a crap about.

"So you're going to force me?" I said trying to sound brave not letting my voice quiver for even a second.

Jiwoo actually had the nerve to laugh. "No. I'll wait. I'm a patient man But you won't do this job anymore, do you understand? And you won't see that man again."

How dare he?

He really thought he had that control over me?

"There's nothing you can do to stop me."

"It's my job, Jiwoo.

"You were a client." I just thought he needed the reminder.

He was quiet for a moment as we turned around a long bend and I pressed my knuckles to my lips, elbow on the window frame of the car, letting the wind hit me in the face.

This wasn't good.

I shouldn't have responded to Jiwoo's text at all.

At least at the summer house I would have been safe.

But then Jiwoo said some thing that stopped those thoughts in their tracks.

"Do you love anyone?"

"I bet he does."

"I can make him hurt.

"Don't underestimate the lengths I will go to for you."

My blood ran cold.

The way he said it, it was like he believed it.

He really would hurt the people Jungkook loved to get to me.

That was sick.

"So what happens now?" I asked helplessly.

If I couldn't fight him, I had to at least try to strategize.

"Nothing. So long as you're not with him or anyone else, I can wait."

"For as long as it takes."

"At some point, your desperate craving for a thick alpha knot will take you over, and you'll come to me."

"You won't dare go to anyone else."

His thick purr sent nasty shivers down my spine.

No. Not him. Never again.

"This is twisted."

"This is love, darling."

I sneered.

He had no right to call me that.

"I'll never come to you," I said staring into his manic eyes.

He needed to know there was no reward for this behavior, no circumstance where this worked out for him.

He gripped the steering wheel tight. "You'll never let another man touch you."

"Not unless you want to ruin his whole life."

I didn't know what to do.

Terror was gnawing at me,my heart pounding in my chest and the best option I could think of was still to throw the door open and take a prayerful dive.

Another option might be to go to the police, if I could manage to get away from him for long enough.

The only problem was Jiwoo was a madman and I was certain I didn't want to find out what happened if I tried to disobey him.

I went silent, refusing to engage again, as he drove us into the city and toward my apartment.

All I could think about was Jungkook.

His warm brown doe eyes, his bunny smiles,his strong alpha body and then the look on his face when this asshole threatened his home and his family. Because of me.

My eyes prickled with liquid heat as I was slowly seized by panic, the icy fingers of it wrapping around my lungs, stealing my breath.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't breathe.

Jiwoo pulled the car up in front of my apartment and leaned over, too close, so close I had no choice but to smell him.

He trailed his fingers down my cheek, his eyes flashing with that sickening glee.

I fought down the urge to vomit.


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