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I'd been played.

This wasn't the annual summer get together weekend where my father invited everyone important in society.

The only people attending this first dinner were the omega that my father presumably wanted me to fuck and the omega's stiff, standoffish parents.

It was a set-up.

Typical for my father to try to control my life but it pissed me off even more than usual that he'd lied to get me there.

I was angry and resigned.

I had to at least get through this dinner and then maybe my father would realize it was a lost cause.

He could see how into Jimin I was and how not-into his omega of choice.

Despite how close I sat to Jimin and how obvious it was that we were together, my father was doing everything he could to push me on Ami.

They had seated the rich omega next to me on the other side from where Jimin sat like we were some sort of sick threesome.

Ami was a typical wealthy omega spoiled and sheltered, eager for even a scrap of an alpha's attention.

This was the omega my dad wanted me to mate?

Compared to Jimin, who seemed a lot more down-to-earth and independent not to mention far more intriguing how could I be interested in Ami at all?

It occurred to me that Jimin really was unique, at least in my world.

"Jungkook has his MBA from Oxford, you know," Dad explained to Malon, Sr.

I felt ill as my father began to talk me up as if he were proud of me, selling all of my (non)achievements sucking up to Ami's father in a way I never seen my dad do before.

He wasn't sycophantic with anyone,especially not another alpha.

But his desperation was clear, and maybe he was in more business trouble than he'd let on.

He obviously really needed this deal.

It wasn't my problem and I couldn't bring myself to care much.

In another life maybe, when I was younger, I might've done everything I could to please my father.

But I'd been worn down too much, spent too many years listening to how much of a disappointment I was.

I just felt bitterness and maybe a niggling worry in the back of my mind that if the business disappeared the money disappeared but the whiskey was numbing that just enough for the moment.

My father gave Aera a look.

She turned to Jimin, as if on cue. "Would you assist me in the kitchen Jimin? I'd like help fetching more drinks."

Jimin had been a little distracted all night but he'd been close to me touching me, playing his role well.

I was warm all over from his scent, the feeling of his hand on my thigh.

I went cold when Jimin left, hitching on his politeness and following Aera from the room as requested.

It was obviously a trap.

I was left alone with my dad, Ami, the eager omega and Ami's parents.

That was the plan, of course.

"You know, Loward and Bettie have their twentieth anniversary coming up," my father said to me, as if trying to get my attention.

I was deliberately avoiding it.

I took another sip of my drink and half-glanced at Ami's parents.

"Congratulations," I said to them mildly.

"It would be nice for Ami to bring Jungkook to the party as his date, don't you think?"

my father suggested to Loward and Bettie.

"They could get to know each other a little."

"That would be nice," Loward agreed, apparently somewhat enamored with the idea of his son and I hooking up.

Despite everything, my family name still seemed to mean something.

I looked at Ami for help.

Didn't he object to being whored out like a pawn in his family's business deals?

Didn't he want to choose his own date to bring?

They were talking about us like they weren't even there.

It was a lost cause.

Ami was gazing at me, dazzled and wanting exactly what I always avoided in omegas.

I knew I was a powerful alpha and that I gave off a certain vibe.

Apparently Ami wasn't immune to it, like Jimin was.

He was no help at all.

It really seemed like no one there was taking my (fake) relationship seriously.

I wasn't paying the guy for everyone to see our togetherness as a minor inconvenience they could just ignore.

I downed my whiskey and excused myself to the bathroom, anger bubbling in my gut.

I stormed aimlessly through the corridor until I ran into Jimin, who had just escaped Aera by the flushed, desperate look on his face.

He was rushing back to the dinner table, trying to save me probably.

I appreciated it but it felt like stronger measures were required. I grabbed his wrist.

"It's not working," I said, gripping him tightly.

"Follow me."


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