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Walking down the aisle with my father was strange but healing.

All of the milestones he had missed had hurt until they didn't anymore because I had stopped expecting or wanting them from him.

We could never change what had been lost but as I stepped into a room he had mostly filled with people who cared what happened to his son on his arm seeing pride on his face it felt good.

Alphas were supposed to be able to count on their alpha fathers.

I was slowly beginning to allow him the chance to try.

I stood at the altar first for what felt like forever grinning nervously at Lisa.

She had forgiven me for scaring her but only after I told her the whole story and begged her to be my best woman.

The all-inclusive trip to Paris was an added bonus of course.

Finally the music changed and curtains parted and there was Jimin more beautiful in his expensive tailored tux than I could have imagined just pregnant enough that I could see when I looked, my child. My heir.

He managed to surprise me.

I had gone over every detail with Ari, Aera and my dad to be certain that the wedding was perfect but this hadn't been part of the plan.

Joon hyung was supposed to walk up first as Jimin's man of honor and instead they walked up together, Jimin on his arm as if Joon hyung were giving him away to me.

My real father. Jimin knew.

It meant everything to me and a tear came to my eyes which I quickly wiped away before Jimin got too far up the aisle.

I reached for him as I noticed him almost trip, our eyes locked but Joon helped him first and then stood by Lisa  behind us.

The priest was saying a prayer, my father's idea.

Then he asked us each questions would we love each other, keep each other, stay faithful.

It all went by in a blur.

I had approved the questions before the wedding but none of them seemed to matter as I stood in front of everyone, staring into Jimin's eyes, becos I knew exactly what he meant to me and what I meant to him.

We were mates.

The wedding was tradition, it was ceremony but we were wed, in our souls, already.

"I do," I said and beamed as Jimin echoed the sentiment back.

We were both trembling, our hands shaking just trying to hold back from grabbing each other.

Joon brought us our rings and I felt sparks through my fingers as I was allowed to touch Jimin, to feel the same soaring joy through his skin as I felt pounding into my heart with every breath.

He placed my ring on my finger and it settled in a perfect ring of pure gold, warming to my hot skin.

The world snapped into color when the priest pronounced us married and let us kiss.

Jimin flew into my arms as I reached for him grabbing him around the hips and lifting him to kiss me passionately.

Six hundred and fifty guests leapt to their feet in cheering applause and loose rose petals fell all around us, as if dropped from the heavens by God himself.

We had done it.

We were married.

I clung to my husband, refusing to let him escape my grasp.

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