11 (M)

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We sat by the shimmering lake in the mid afternoon the sunlight dancing tanning our skin.

Jimin was stretched out in just a pair of sky-blue board shorts, his half-naked body sheened with sunscreen and sweat.

He had been still for over an hour, as I tried to look busy with a book I was barely even managing to read and I was fairly certain that beneath his black sunglasses, his eyes were shut, he was sleeping.

I had slathered his leanly muscular body in sunscreen earlier, so I was less concerned about a sunburn, and more wishing that he would wake up and realize I was actually staring at the divot between his abs,wishing I could lick away the sweat and then lick lower and then tear his board shorts off with my teeth and taste his sweet omega cock.

My knot was swollen just thinking about it and I subtly adjusted myself trying to look back at my book.

I started again at the book of the last paragraph but found I barely remembered what I was reading about.

I wouldn't say I was freaking out but well maybe I was.

Just a little bit.

Very quietly.

I couldn't get it out of my head get him out of my head.

Everything in me was screaming for me to take jimin to bed.

To claim him.

To mate him.

Again and again until I had filled him and bred him enough to satisfy the itch.

Once hadn't been enough.

I had thought that it might be but I couldn't get away from it.

I didn't like how it made me feel dependent, vulnerable, all the things I tried to avoid about omegas.

But I did love how it felt to be with Jimin...

maybe a little too much.

I was in over my head.

I had to kick the habit of thinking about him so much, or we were going to end up in a much longer-term arrangement than I had originally planned for.

To tell the truth, nothing about this weekend was going as planned and it didn't mix well with my control issues.

I was fighting, damn it. I was fighting it as hard as I could.

Sitting near him while he sunbathed wasn't fighting quite hard enough, though.

I had to get some distance between us.

I set down my book and got up, nudging Jimin gently.

"I'm not asleep," he murmured an amused smile on his soft pink lips.

Soft, kissable lips.

No. This had to stop.

This wasn't even supposed to be about sex.

His lips were just lips, after all.

It was only that he was an omega,that was why my body was doing this, why my mind couldn't get away from him.

So I would have to.

"Oh, good well I'm going to go make the rounds with my family are you all right here?"

"There's more beer in the cooler."

He gave me a grin and I could barely make out his eyes behind his sunglasses, so I just tried not to look into them.

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