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I woke up alone, naked and feeling thoroughly fucked.

My first thought was of jungkook and everything we'd done the night before, his knot pulsing inside me fucking me open, falling asleep filled with his seed...

Man that whiskey had been worth it.

I had felt a lot last night, more than I had expected to.

That was strange but it was like he was a drug I couldn't get enough of.

I kept thinking of his knot, my morning wood stiff and grabbing my attention.

I stretched contently trailing a hand down to my dick.

I slowly stroked myself from base to tip shivering as I buried my head in the pillow and inhaled deeply of that intense alpha musk.

But my morning jerk-off plan was interrupted by my second thought, I had forgotten to take my pill last night.

My stomach dropped and my boner could be officially pronounced dead. Shit.

I must have been so caught up in the moment with the whiskey flowing so drunk on alcohol and Jungkook's gaze, that I'd missed it.

After the incredible fucking he'd given me, I had passed right out.

I quickly got up and took it hoping that would be good enough, worry creeping at the edge of my mind as I dressed for the morning but there wasn't much I could do about it and taking it a few hours late shouldn't make a huge difference.

I took a deep breath and went down the huge stair-case through the giant hall, and into the dining room we'd eaten in last night looking for breakfast.

It was empty, so I tried to remember where the second dining room was.

I thought it had a marble inlay in the wall and a distinctive red rug but I couldn't remember what direction it was in.

I called out into the hallway. "Hello?"

A very cold slightly shrilled, and definitely annoyed voice answered back. "Hello?"

I followed the sound of it.

Aera was sitting in one of the dining rooms which had a blue rug, not a red rug, leisurely eating her half-grape fruit breakfast and to her credit she valiantly managed to suppress most of her sneer at the sight of me.

"Jungkook is in the kitchen, having breakfast with Joon, although why he likes to spend his time with the staff is anyone's guess," she informed me with barely-concealed distaste.

"Thanks," I said with a polite smile and made my way to the kitchen, where I found him sitting with Namjoon.

They were chatting and laughing, drinking coffee and eating pancakes.

Jungkook smiled when he saw me but he wore a guarded expression, concealing what he was really thinking.

Uncertain, I sat beside him.

His eyes flashed and I knew why he could smell it.

Smell us.

I could, too.

The heady scent of it all over us both.

Joon gave us a look, like he knew something we didn't.

I grabbed Jungkook's fork and took a bite of his pancake giving him a bold, playful smile and he smirked at me, restrained.

God he was impossible to read.

Part of me thought he liked seeing me share his food feeling that he owned me and maybe part of me liked that too.

I watched him, finishing the rest of his pancakes.

"Did you cook these?"

He shook his head. "No, I don't cook."

"These are Joon's."

"I grew up on them."

I couldn't help but shoot Joon an affectionate look.

For some reason, I cared about how Jungkook had been raised.

It seemed like his father had done a piss-poor job of being there for him but Namjoon had definitely done his best to pick up the slack.

I finished Jungkook's coffee for him and Joon took our dishes away.

"We'd better make an appearance," Jungkook said and stood.

I followed him out into the hall and as soon as we were alone,I brought him to a stop.

"About last night—"

Jungkook interrupted me, cutting me off with a motion his hand.

A shiver went down my spine, and I stared up at him, surprised by it.

He wasn't usually so rude, he didn't interrupt me, he listened to me speak and I had appreciated that about him.

Now he seemed almost upset with me. "It's not heavy, right?"

"That's the point."

"Isn't it? No emotion."

"No anything."

I tried not to be hurt when he said what I'd been fearing all along I was supposed to be doing my job resisting the usual omega clinginess for both of us.

That had never been a problem with any other alpha.

Why was it such a problem with this one?

There was no conviction in his voice, no spark in his eye.

He could barely look at me, and I had no fucking idea what that meant.

What any of it meant.

Especially when Jungkook added, "It's what I'm paying for."

It was cold but he wasn't wrong.

I had no choice but to suck it up and deal with whatever weirdness was happening on my own.

All I knew was that this was not my usual alpha-knotting experience and I was the pro I never got attached.

What was happening?

I nodded quietly. "Of course,"

I agreed. "That's what I do."

"Good," Jungkook said firmly.

"Because the family and our guests are apparently to hang out at the lake today." He grinned at me.

"We'd better put on a show."

The smile never reached his dark impenetrable doe eyes.


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