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Joon cornered me after Jimin went outside.

I was worried about him, he seemed distracted by the texts he kept getting from Jiwoo.

Who was Jiwoo?

I wanted to ask but I knew it wasn't my place.

Jiwoo probably had a lot of clients besides me and it had not really gotten in the way of his job here yet.

He'd already given me a lot more than I'd asked for.

"What is it, Joon?" I asked, a little less patient with him than usual.

"Do you know yet?" he asked handing me a drink.

"Know what?" I shot back not enjoying all the riddles being thrown at me that night.

"That you're bonded."

"Not just a mating bond, not just sex, kookie."

"A natural bond, created from birth."He paused for dramatic effect and then added the one word I knew was coming but I thought I'd never want to hear, not in my life.


I tightened up,a little clammy not sure how to reply to him at all.

It terrified me.

Joon must have expected that because he reached out and patted my shoulder comfortingly and gave me a little smile of reassurance.

I had never even thought about those words, not together, not as one, very important word.

I had known there was some thing special about Jimin, but soulmates?

My pulse sped up with terror, and I had a million questions at once.

Reluctantly, I was intrigued by the idea.

It would explain a lot.

"I'll give you a few minutes to process it."

"Come talk to me after."

"This is a big deal."


"You'll need someone to talk to." He squeezed my shoulder and then turned and left the room.

It really was a lot to process.


I would need to talk as soon as I could think.

It occurred to me, in the haze of everything spinning through my brain, that it was my own father I was meant to go to.

Alphas went to their fathers when they needed to work through their problems.

They went to their own alphas.

They didn't go to the butler.

But Joon wasn't just a butler, was he? Not in my world.

He was as much family as I would ever need.

I knew it was true, what Namjoon had told me.

I'd always known, since the moment I shook Jimin's hand at that first meeting in the café I just didn't understand the feeling before.

Who knew if Jimin was aware God, Jimin.

How would he react, finding out he was connected to me for the rest of his life?

Chained to me.

We didn't have to be together but we'd always feel it,always be consumed by it.

We would have strong kids, if we chose to and an alpha with a fated mate by his side was basically unconquerable.

I'd never thought I would be lucky enough to find mine but of course, of course Jimin was the one.

It was both a terrifying and exhilarating thought and I didn't have the first fucking clue what to do with myself.

Where was Jimin, anyway?

Ami appeared in the room with another drink.

I finished the one Joon had handed me and accepted his gratefully.

I sat in a leather armchair, my hands shaking just a little the ice tinkled in my glass.

I was in such shock that I did not even pull away when Ami touched my arm.

He stroked from my shoulder to my wrist.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I glanced up and saw Jimin watching from the doorway but I couldn't see what he was thinking by his face.

I brushed Ami away and made a beeline for Jimin, suddenly desperate to be near him.

"It's not what you think," I protested, following him through the doorway into the hall.

Jimin smiled at menbut he seemed just a little sad.

"It's okay," he said.

"I'm just heading upstairs to take my pill."

He turned to leave me there in the hallway but then he stopped and when he turned back to look at me, there was a storm in his shimmering blue eyes.

"Listen," he said, his tone heavy and thick.

"I'm really glad you hired me."

I reached for him touching his smooth cheek with my finger tips,ngazing down at his perfect face.

He was acting strange and I felt the need to say some thing but I couldn't just blurt out that we were mates, not there in the hall.

It had been so quick, all of this.

I didn't blame Joon for telling me but how could I tell Jimin?

I stalled.

"Can you believe it's only been one weekend?" I asked, almost breathless.

"I know,I feel like I've known you forever." he whispered.

His eyes were dark now, like the deepest depths of the ocean and I wondered if he was sad for the same reason I was sad.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for his reaction, but I had to tell him.

"Listen, Joon told me some thing."

"About that."

"About why all of this makes sense."

Jimin shook his head and interrupted me. "Tell me when I come down, okay? "

I let him cut me off but winced a little.

Maybe it was too soon.

He was right.

I should wait for a better time.

It might be true but was it foolish for me to think it changed things?

Jimin's job was still to avoid attachment.

"Save me a drink," he said and tried to lean in for a kiss on my cheek.

I couldn't help myself,I felt the sudden need to press my lips to his and make him feel it, that we belonged to each other.

I held his warm body firmly, my hands on his shoulders struggling to let him go even for a second.

Jimin returned the kiss desperately, his lips parted, tongue eager in my mouth but only for a moment.

Then he smiled and pulled away still oddly sad and quiet and turned to jog up the stairs.


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