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I took a deep breath outside my father's study, drawing my shoulders back.

I was nervous, my pulse quickened, and I tried to hide it from Jimin.

I didn't want him to see that weakness.

However much I tried to keep my father from being able to hurt me, he still had a hold on me, and part of me was still terrified of disappointing him.

"I can hold your hand, so he knows we're a couple," Jimin offered.

God, he was kind of sweet.

It was hard not to like the guy as more than just a professional.

"My father would hate that," I admitted.

he nodded and stepped away, putting a respectable distance between us.

I realized something.

Some boyish part of me was afraid to disappoint my father, yes; but another part of me was incredibly rebellious against him, and this was my chance to piss him off and further my plan to stay away from the omega he'd picked to pair me up with.

"But I wouldn't." I took Jimin's hand, smiling in appreciation.

Jimin squeezed my fingers, and there was a rush of hot strength in my chest, like the physical connection had fortified something within me.

I opened the door and stepped in to greet my father, pulling Jimin along with me.

He didn't even bother to stand from behind his desk, the bastard.

He might not approve of my guest, but he could at least stand and greet him like the civilized man he liked to pretend to be.

Hadn't my grandfather at least raised him better?

Hadn't my mother married a better man?

But my anger would get me nowhere.

I had to make him believe Jimin was mine.

I had to shove it in his face until he couldn't ignore it.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend."

The words felt strange on my tongue, but not unpleasant.

I had never called anyone my boyfriend before, ever; and it might have been fake, but not as far as my father knew.

It had to be real, it had to be convincing.

I stroked the pad of my thumb over Jimin's knuckles. My father's eyes trailed to our hands, and he frowned.

My father was infuriatingly observant at times, so of course he noticed, because he noticed everything.

But I couldn't let him notice that the relationship wasn't real.

"I'm not happy about this, Son," he said to me, speaking as if Jimin were not even there.

He was really making an effort to be as rude as possible, wasn't he?

Just like Aera.

I wanted to call him out on it, or maybe just punch him in his smug face; but I didn't want to embarrass Jimin, who was doing his very best.

He stared into my eyes with an alpha glare, and I straightened my shoulders, refusing to look away, refusing to let go of Jimin's hand.

It was difficult for me to stand up to my father, but necessary.

The longer this went on, the more I wanted to prove him wrong.

"I already have a date lined up for you," he went on, as if were trading in commodities rather than his son's heart.

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