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Jimin pov

Jungkook offered to give me a tour of the house. The mansion.

Jungkook had seemed wealthy when we met, and the large amount of cash he'd given me for the trip, not to mention the first-class seats, had hinted at a little more.

It turned out that a little more was an understatement.

We started downstairs, in the kitchens and the servant's dining room, which was bizarre to me.

People still had servants, apparently.

Who weren't allowed to sit with them at dinner.

He showed me the first bathroom, and the first dining room, and the second bathroom,and the second dining room and the third dining room, and they were all shimmering with gold and crystal.

Every counter was real marble, and quite a few of the windows were stained glass, the red, green, blue and amber light dancing along the polished, unscuffed hardwood floors of each hallway.

Everything was painfully clean, not a sign of dust in sight, and I wondered, naively, who had time for that before realizing no one did they just had money, and maids.

It made me dizzy.

I knew I wouldn't remember where any of this was, or whether a given dining room was the first or the third but I let him show me, anyway, just to hear his voice and feel his presence.

Jungkook was addicting.

Annoyingly so.

I couldn't make myself walk more than an inch to his side, so we kept almost bumping into each other.

I just wanted to be close to him, like there was a magnet deep in the pit of my stomach that drew me toward him whenever we were together.

It was exciting to get a peek at how he lived. How he had been raised.

Exciting, and intimidating.

My story was a little different working class parents, from Busan, and when they'd passed away in my late teens, they hadn't left me much more than it took to cover the funeral.

It was only through my own hard work and lucrative career choice that I'd gotten a place of my own in the city.

Jungkook, obviously, could have bought the whole building.

I did wonder what it meant that this place looked so untouched.

Had Jungkook grown up allowed to play?

To make a mess?

Could living in such a breakable, expensive house be good for a child?

As Jungkook brought me through every one of the home's two dozen rooms,I got a little overwhelmed by it.

It was just too much. Too much space, too much glitz, and it smelled bizarrely sterile and un-lived in.

It dawned on me, at some point during the tour, that this wasn't even Jungkook's family home it was their summer home. Their cabin.

I tried to keep breathing, my eyes everywhere, trying to take it all in like we were in a museum or a palace.

I'd had wealthy clients, of course alphas tended to be but I'd never stepped into any of their worlds.

Usually they came to me, and fucked me, and left me a wet mess.

But they didn't invite me home.

Jiwoo was the only one who had even shown interest in me (not that I wanted him to) outside of a rough fuck.

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