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Jimin pov

My phone buzzed for the third time that morning.

Jiwoo, an alpha ex-client, was trying to Facetime me again.

He couldn't seem to get it through his head that I fuck for money.

I wasn't his omega.

We weren't mated.

It didn't mean anything.

That was the whole point.

No strings attached, guaranteed.

Most alphas liked that  it was my business model, after all but Jiwoo had, unfortunately, gotten attached.

Sometimes, alphas had a hard time letting go.

Sometimes it took a few minutes for them to resist the primal urge to claim me.

That never bothered me, but I'd never seen a case like this.

It had been three months, and I was still trying to shake him off.

And omegas had a reputation for being clingy...

I had been sleeping in my wolf form, enjoying the natural warmth of my fluffy, light grey and tan coat of fur, but that form didn't have opposable thumbs, which was a major disadvantage. I shifted back into my human form and hit ignore.

Climbing out of bed, I stretched my tanned, naked body in the mirror.

I ran my fingers through my short, dirty blond hair. It was a mess. Sliding my hand down my cheek,

I could feel that I needed a shave before I saw the potential client I had lined up for the day.

Some posh-sounding dude with a busan accent, Korean, maybe, had called me the day before. He wanted to meet in the afternoon for coffee.

"I need to hire an omega for appearances. There won't be any sex involved," he'd said.

I did my best to hold back a snort.

Yeah. Sure. Like that was ever true.

Every single one of my clients fucked me whether they were hiring me for it or not.

My feet slapped the hardwood floor of my apartment as I made my way into the bathroom.

Toilet, teeth, shower, the routine was so normal to me that I did it half asleep.

Living alone had its benefits my morning was never disturbed.

As if to prove me wrong, my phone rang on my bed.

Goddamnit. I growled in annoyance.

So much for a peaceful morning.

Instead, it seemed, I was bound to be harassed for the next few months it looked like I'd finally managed to win myself a stalker.

It had been naive of me, I supposed, to think it would never happen, considering my line of work.

I barely had to look to know it was Jiwoo. With a sigh, I put my phone on vibrate and tossed it back onto the bed to get dressed.

This Jeon guy sounded expensive, so I dressed up a little, tugging on a blazer over my usual khakis and blue button-down.

I looked a bit like I belonged in prep school, which was perfect.

If appearances really were the point, I wanted to assure my rich client I wouldn't embarrass him in public.

It was hard for me to believe that anyone could want me for more than sex, though especially with that greased-up, hot-and-horny ad he must have found.

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