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I was getting ready for the anniversary party, to which I'd be going as Ami's date.

When my step-mom had paid me that visit in my lowest moment, she broke down showing more emotion than I'd ever thought she was capable of.

The business was in trouble, she said and my father was unwell.

The merger was the only way to save the business and continue his legacy.

If I failed then everything failed with me and we'd be left with nothing.

She didn't think her husband would survive that.

She had begged me, pleaded with me go along with his plan.

Fake it.


Whatever it takes.

But don't kill your father.

It was emotional manipulation strong enough to work and now there I was, ready to present myself to the merging families as the boyfriend of Ami.

It didn't matter that I hadn't laid eyes on the man since that weekend last month.

That we'd never spoken a word since.

The arrangements have been made through our families, and I was to attend at eight sharp, ready to bestow a kiss upon the mouth of my beloved boyfriend.

I could vomit honestly.

I chose my ugliest tie.

A loud scratching at my door caught my attention.

It was frenzied, panicked.

I went to the door and was shocked and overwhelmed to see Jimin there.

At first, if not for his scent, I wouldn't have recognized the gray and tan wolf in front of me, dripping blood, panting for breath.

He shifted back onto two feet, and standing naked in front of me covered in bruises, there he was.

It was Jimin but not the Jimin I remembered cocky and charming and full of life, He was broken both physically and deep in his eyes.

He was pleading with me silently to help.

I forgot how to breathe.

I forgot how to speak.

I pulled Jimin in and gathered him close, holding him tight for the longest time.

Jimin shuddered against me.

He felt so small.

I didn't know exactly why he was shaking, just that he was scared and he needed me and deep in my soul, as an alpha, I knew that I was the only one who could help.

Jimin clung to me for a while and I let him.

I wrapped a blanket around his shoulders to cover him a little and I pulled him to the couch and let him sit in my lap, trembling in the safety of my arms.

I waited for him to calm down and stroked his soft hair and kissed the top of his head.

"You're safe," I whispered.

"It's okay."

Jimin nodded numbly staring out of my large penthouse windows.

"I know you're probably wondering why I left."

That was an understatement, but those words were obviously hard for Jimin to get out, so I just nodded in understanding silence and waited.

He glanced at me nervously, so I reassured him.

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