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Jungkook's parents had booked an entire Church for our wedding.

It wasn't going to be small at all.

The venue was way too big for the small number of friends and family we each had attending but Jungmin knew everyone who knew anyone and they had filled it out with hundreds of rich guests.

We were in separate rooms as we got dressed and prepared for the day.

Lisa was with Jungkook in his dressing room so Namjoon had kindly joined me in my own and I was grateful to have someone there with me to calm my nerves a little.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I admitted breathlessly, as I fixed my suit and tie.

"You'll do great."

"It's one day and then you two will be alone on your honeymoon, traveling together again."

That reassurance was exactly what I needed.

I stared at myself in the mirror, fiddling with my hair.

Joon pinned a stunning corsage to my chest.

I took a deep breath and then took his hand and looked up into Namjoon's eyes.

"Thank you," I said sincerely.

"It's no worry at all," Joon assured me.

"I'm honored to be here for you."

I shook my head, squeezing his hand. "Not just for this."

"Thank you for Jungkook."

" For being there for him, for raising him even when his dad wouldn't.

"The man I'm about to marry today is the man he is becos of you."

"You're the reason he is such a good alpha."

"You should be walking him down the aisle, instead of Jungmin."

Namjoon smiled at me and pulled me in for a warm hug.

"I never wanted to replace his father."

"I could walk you down the aisle instead if you wish."

My parents were both long gone and the offer meant a lot to me.

Tears came to my eyes and I nodded eagerly. "Yes, of course, please."

I would be honored to have Joon give me away.

I knew my parents would have loved to see it, the day when I finally found happiness with my mate but they weren't here and Joon would have to stand in for my own father as he'd done for Jungkook's all those years.

It all made me even more certain when I asked him.

"Joon hyungie would you be our child's godfather?"

I placed my hand on the round of my belly.

It still wasn't too obvious, especially under my suit jacket but I could feel the life growing there.

My child and I knew that although I looked forward to having Jungmin and Aera do their best as grandparents.

The man I really wanted to raise my baby if anything happened to either me or Jungkook was Namjoon.

He was the one who deserved the title and who would do the best job.

Joon actually looked tearful for a second too before he cleared his throat and got ahold of himself.

"Of course," he promised. "I'll take that duty very seriously."

I beamed at him, delighted temporarily forgetting my nerves.

Ari our savior of a wedding planner, who had done all of this practically by herself, appeared at the door.

"We're ready for you, Jimin."

It was time.

I took Joon's arm and we were led down beautifully-lit halls of the central aisle.

"Is he walking with you?" Ari asked and I smiled at the handsome older man.

"He is."

She nodded and stepped up to the curtain. "Remember, just like at the rehearsal."

She adjusted my corsage of yellow tulips, lilies, and pink roses patted Namjoon on the shoulder kindly and opened the curtain for us.

As I walked into the giant, sprawling church, I was overwhelmed by what 650 guests actually looked like, all seated and silent for my walk down the long, white-and-gold-carpeted aisle.

Joon and I stepped in time with the music as a live organ played and a choir sang.

I felt like the angels were actually with us.

I knew nearly nobody there.

All of my friends, few as they were, were seated up front.

Everyone I walked past was smiling and watching, even though they didn't know me and for the first time it occurred to me that I would gain status from this marriage.

Everyone who knew jungkook who knew his family, would know me.

I mattered all because of who I was marrying.

It was bizarre and I pulled Joon in a little closer.

I had to wonder what anyone thought of me walking down the aisle on the arm of Jungkook's butler but that didn't matter because right in front of me was Jungkook.

All right, he wasn't right in front of me.

He was still several feet down the aisle standing at the altar next to Lisa a vision in her burgundy pantsuit, his best woman.

I glanced next to me as I approached my old childhood friends whom I hadn't seen in ages and on the other side, Jungkook's family, his father, trying not to shed a tear and Aera who looked genuinely thrilled to see me, next to a few of his cousins I had only recently been introduced to.

My eyes went right back to Jungkook.

He looked incredible even taller and broader in his tux, his hair combed back, doe eyes glowing with approval as he looked at me.

We couldn't tear our eyes off each other and I was grateful for Joon's help stepping up to the altar.

I felt dizzy with excitement.

How was it that I was so lucky to be marrying this incredible man?

I couldn't wait but his steady arm kept me from stumbling and then Jungkook and I were face to face.

His cheekbones and kind, confident bunny smile made my heart soar and my nerves disappear.

He was perfect.

Perfect for me.

My soulmate.

Namjoon gave us another knowing smile and went to stand by Lisa.

I stood breathlessly in front of my husband-to-be as the pastor read a prayer of love to begin the ceremony.


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