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I sat in the hospital room, exhausted from my surgery but healing quickly, my shifter healing abilities working their magic. I had a son.

I had given birth to an over sized beautiful healthy baby boy.

It was taking a little time to process.

Jungkook's parents and Joon and Lisa were all here visiting the sleeping baby.

Things between Jungkook and his dad were slightly better as far I'd seen.

There was still tension there of course after years of bitterness but Jungkook seemed to hold the sacrifice his dad had tried to make in high regard and it had gone some way towards healing the rift.

Jungkook sat beside me on the hospital bed holding my hand smoothing a thumb over my knuckles.

Jungkook had told me over and over again how proud he was of me but I felt it then in every little touch and I could see it in his eyes.

Joon was holding his grand-son rocking him as he slept, looking every bit the doting grandfather.

I was even more sure than ever that I'd made the perfect choice in making Joon our baby's godfather.

Aera and Lisa snapped pictures of them together, which I knew they would be showing off with pride very soon.

Jungmin with a noticeable limp made his way over to us, settling in a chair next to the bed.

He had healed but not perfectly the bullets in Jiwoo's gun had been silver and definitely would have killed me and my child if we'd been shot.

Even after everything Jungkook had told me about Jungmin, I still felt grateful toward my father-in-law for preventing that.

"The deal fell through." He admitted.

"Without anything to sweeten it, Ami's father backed out and the merger collapsed."

That had surely happened a few months ago but Jungmin had waited until the baby was born to tell us.

I wasn't sure if it was a sign of respect or just more strategy.

I glanced at Jungkook and saw his jaw tighten.

"I'm not going to apologize," he informed his father. I squeezed his hand in support.

Jungmin shook his head, waving his hand.

"I don't expect you to."

"In fact I'm thinking of retiring."

"Dissolving what's left of the business."

"Seeing how the other half lives."

Joon from across the room rolled his eyes. "You've got enough money to last three lifetimes, you dramatic fool."

That got a hearty laugh out of all of us.

After a little while, as my wounds healed more and more Joon laid the baby down in his bed and ushered out the in-laws and even Lisa.

"We should get some dinner," he suggested to them and I gave him a grateful look.

When they were all gone leaving us alone, Jungkook pulled my wedding ring out of his pocket and slid it back in my finger.

"They had to remove it for the c-section." he explained.

I smiled relieved to have it back. "Alpha I love you." I said.

He smiled and took my hand in both of his gazing directly into my eyes.

"I love you too Little flower and I'm so happy that we're a family."

"I can't wait to spend our whole lives together."

"Our baby is the beginning of everything."

"I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love you and our son."

A little whimper,a short squall and then the baby woke up howling screaming for us.

I grinned.

"Remember everything you just said when you're hearing that noise at three in the morning."

Jungkook scooped our baby up cuddling him against his chest soothing him.

I watched in adoration as my big strong alpha rocked our tiny infant speaking to him in a soft tender voice.

Our son calmed a little in his arms and he brought him over to me, the three of us snuggled up happily, one perfect little family on the bed.

"Have you thought of a name yet?"

"Nothing quite right," I admitted gazing down at our precious baby.

"It has to be perfect."

"He's perfect."

"Just like you."

"Oh no he definitely got your looks." Jungkook told me.

He did have blue eyes but he had a dark little shock of hair and he had been huge at birth, a whole ten pounds.

I was certain he was going to take after my husband.

I couldn't imagine a more beautiful man, a more beautiful soul.

And I couldn't believe I had all of this, that I got to to call Jungkook my own and we had such a perfect baby.

I was so happy a tear slipped from my eye,down my cheek.

Jungkook wiped it away and kissed me and then kissed the baby.

The three of us were wrapped in love, safe and together.

It was everything I had never dreamed of.

"Alpha What was your mom's name?" I whispered.

"Jih." he said kissing my temple.

I smiled suddenly knowing exactly what name I wanted.

"We could name him Jihyan."

"It's a lovely name."

Jungkook looked like he is about cry when I said it.

"You want to name him after my mother?"

I nodded sincerely and he smiled down at our gorgeous baby boy.

"Hey Jih, Nice to meet you son."

THE END ....

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