18 (M)

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I paced Jungkook's penthouse alone waiting for him to return.

Compared to my studio apartment, the place might as well have been a mansion.

It had two giant rooms, a separate dining and living area and glass windows all the way around, giving a view of the entire city.

It was a massive place but I didn't expect anything less and I could smell Jungkook in every inch of it.

The scent wrapped around me like the warmest, most beloved blanket.

It had been terrifying, being attacked in my own home.

I had a renewed sense of self-preservation.

I stayed in the apartment, feeling safest there, where I knew Jiwoo couldn't get past the security system while Jungkook ran out for me.

It seemed to take forever but eventually, he did come back from the drugstore with a small paper bag like he'd done a drug deal.

"Did you buy me a pregnancy test or a dime bag?" I asked amused.

The levity was needed.

He chuckled nervously and handed me the test.

"Just take it, please."

I went into the bathroom, and could feel him nervously waiting outside the door as I took care of it.

I left the bathroom holding it, but not looking at it and together we waited out the two minutes in mutual silence a thick electric tension in the air between us.

It was the longest two mins of my life and when it was over, I turned the test over.

Two lines Clear as day.

My hands were shaking as I held the test between them.

My heart was a loud drumbeat in my chest.

I looked up at Jungkook, terrified at what I might see.

Rejection maybe Anger.

Worst of all complete disinterest.

But what I saw were bright, shining eyes looking at me as if I were the whole world.

"I never wanted it," Jungkook admitted.



"I never wanted it."

My stomach dropped but he went on, his lips slowly spreading into a bunny smile that took over his face.

"But with you, I want it all."

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, grabbing at him pulling him close as we came together.

I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear, so much it hurt.

I felt like I was flying, elated beyond my ability to express myself.

We were going to be parents!

Jungkook pulled back, searching my eyes, holding my shoulders protectively.


"Are you hurt—the baby—is it—"

"I'm fine," I assured him.

"I'm healing quickly And I protected the baby, Jiwoo didn't even get close."

"I curled around myself."

"Everything's fine."

"We're fine." I let out a sigh of relief.

It felt good to say it even just to reassure myself.

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