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Waiting in the airport for Jimin, I felt strange.

Something odd had happened in that meeting, from the moment I'd locked eyes on the omega who was fucking beautiful in person, of course, because the universe hated me.

Even at the very end, when our fingers brushed, I'd felt an itch beneath my skin,compelling me to pull him closer.

I wanted to breathe him in, to learn his scent. I wanted to study every angle of his gorgeous face.

There had been one terrifying moment when I'd felt the overwhelming urge to rub myself all over the omega, like that was a totally normal fucking thing to do.

My mind kept wandering to how I could pin him down and rut against him, maybe smear him in my cum just to warn other alpha wolves away from my mate.

What would my wolf side want next, peeing in a circle around him?

I was usually much more in control of the primitive side of being a shifter; it came out during sex, sure, but not like this.

Not standing around in a busy airport.

I had already checked my luggage, but I was waiting by the airline counter, keeping an eye out for Jimin's dirty-blond head.

I had to get my own head in the game.

I was headed into the vipers' nest aka the "loving" embrace of my father's and stepmom's hospitality and I needed to pull my shit together.

Jimin was so damn distracting.

What if this had been a terrible idea, after all?

I sensed Jimin before I saw him, which was fucking disconcerting.

Was this what it was like to be around omegas? I wasn't sure I liked it.

Around humans, I could keep my cool, remain in control. Jimin flooded my senses with mating pheromones.

I felt like a feral dog.

He smirked at me from the baggage-check lineup, sending me an adorable little wave, and I felt my stomach flip over.

I'd have to sit next to this stunning omega for a full two-hour flight.

That was going to be damn uncomfortable. I should have thought that through, but it was too late.

It felt like it took hours for him to check his baggage, but it only took a few minutes according to my Rolex.

I wanted to wrap my arm around him like we were already dating, but it was for show, so I thought it better to wait until we were in front of my family to risk touching him.

We decided to kill time by grabbing coffee at a little café near the front of the airport. Bright sunshine poured in through the windows, but summer only brought a mild dread for me.

Most of the time, I managed to avoid my father, but this weekend was mandatory if I wanted to keep my father from disowning me, which, unfortunately, I still did.

Perhaps Jimin's equally-bright smile would be able to cheer me up, keep me distracted.

Most importantly, he'd be a buffer between me and whatever rich little omega my father had picked out for me.

I would certainly be paying for Jimin's coffee this time. "How do you take it?"

Jimin looked up at me, ocean-blue eyes and thick lashes and a painfully gorgeous little smirk,  making me think of anything but coffee.

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