19 (M)

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I vowed to myself and aloud to protect Jimin and our baby whatever it took.

Jimin moved in with me and for a few weeks I held on to the idea of hunting down the alpha who'd hurt him.

Jimin wouldn't identify him, not more than his first name.


It was a common enough name but he was an alpha and there weren't too many of them around.

I could narrow it down.

I could figure it out.

But I didn't and it was only because he asked me not to.

"I don't want revenge," he told me one night as I struggled to accept that there was nothing I could do to stop the crazy son of a bitch from coming anywhere near my omega again.

"I don't need it."

"I just need this, our little family, a home."

"This is what makes me happy."

I smiled down at him gazing into his crystal blue eyes, completely oblivious to what ever we were supposed to be watching on TV.

I couldn't get enough of Jimin And his happiness was the most important thing.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

I had done my best to wait on Jimin hand and foot, He had our baby growing inside him.

He deserved everything I could give.

I wanted to take care of him forever, protect him and give him my heart.

Those feelings were overwhelming as they always had been, almost too intense to handle but I was embracing them more and more.

Maybe I didn't need to be taught how to be an alpha maybe my inner wolf already knew how to protect and care for Jimin.

"No," he said softly.

"But Alpha, I need to warn you Jiwoo said he would go after someone you love."

I shook my head pulling him in close. "Idle threats babe."

"Don't worry."

I would deal with that bridge when we crossed it.

The only person I loved was there in that very penthouse with me anyway so it didn't matter.

I didn't say that out loud.

We hadn't spoken much of feelings even though we both knew.

The whole soulmates thing it came with a hefty dose of emotion whether wanted or not.

I slid my hand down over Jimin's belly, He was growing a tiny baby bump and I was overwhelmed by how beautiful he looked with it.

I couldn't get enough of my omega treating him like precious glass through the day and worshipping him in bed every night.

It was a heavenly existence I never knew I could have, never even wanted.

If anyone had told me a few months ago that I'd end up a dad-to-be, wildly in love with my perfect mate...

Jimin rolled toward me and kissed me slowly, his tongue exploring my mouth, his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

I inhaled his sweet omega scent,which smelled like home but something more now that he was pregnant.

I pressed against him feeling the soft round of his belly against my own.

"Do you need me, darling?"

Jimin nodded and made a soft noise like he always did when he needed my knot.

How could I help but give it to him?

"Suck me first," I insisted pushing him down to my cock and he gripped me by my slowly growing knot, worshipping my cock with his tongue.

That was all it took for me to swell.

He sucked me slow and deep, teasing my aching cock with his hot mouth and devilish tongue.

I thrust, letting him take it overwhelmed by how good Jimin really was in bed.

It was once his job of course, although that had never been why I'd hired him in the first place.

And it wasn't his job any more.

His only job now was to be mine, to grow my child in his body.

I gasped, realizing I could get too close from his mouth on me and gently pulled him away from it.

"Ride me?" I murmured, gripping his hips and pulling him up onto my cock.

I watched as he slowly lowered himself bliss on his beautiful freckled face his blue eyes flooded with pleasure as inch by inch, I disappeared inside of him.

He gasped shaking as he got to my knot which was already thick and swollen from his talented blowjob.

I almost expected him to stop there but instead he just kept pushing and my knot finally popped inside of him, squeezed by his tight ass.

I groaned loudly in relief and jerked my hips up but Jimin had the control for once.

He got to decide how much he took.

"Fuck, fuck, Baby." I gasped, my fingertips digging into his hips threatening to bruise him His little bump was visible to me as he moved moaning in pleasure.

"Jungkook." he whispered.

"God, your knot is..." He made a high-pitched moan as my big swollen knot rubbed inside him pressing against his prostate.

I could feel him getting tighter and tighter, his body worked toward release and I was there too trembling right on the edge so that when he finally screamed, I came with him.

I flooded his ass with cum and pulled Jimin down for a hot searing kiss.

When the kiss ended all I could do was gaze at him, bewitched.

Jimin's face was flushed and full of affection, a thin sheen of sweat on his skin.

"Little flower." I whispered.

"I don't want to live without you, I can't."

It was a rare moment of vulnerability but Jimin just smiled at me like he was made of sunshine and pressed his forehead to mine.

"Alpha, You won't have to."

* * *

The next morning, I left to get us breakfast.

Jimin preferred to stay in the penthouse most of the time and I felt safest when he was there but he was craving bacon and we were out.

Rather than waiting to order anything, I nipped down to the breakfast café on the corner and got him his favorite meal to go.

Coffee in hand, I quietly slipped into the apartment in case Jimin was napping.

"Baby?" I set the food down on the dining room table and my happy ending came crashing down around me all at once when I found a note, scrawled in unfamiliar handwriting.

He's not the only one you love...


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