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The dining room was being set up for guests later that evening, so we took our lunch on the patio.

The sun shimmered across the pond that sprawled through the grounds ducks and lily pads floating serenely beneath the suffocating heat, as if that were a perfectly commonplace piece of the average yard.

The experience was bizarre.

I sat in my gray tweed suit, sweltering while Jungkook's family continued to show me up in their pristine white and pale blue.

Jungkook wore navy and I could only imagine he was the warmest of us all but he barely broke a sweat, sipping sweet tea as if he hadn't almost fucked me right through that gorgeous king-sized bed.

Jungkook didn't even attempt to hide the sour look on his face when he spoke to his father and stepmother.

I found myself curious about how Jungkook had grown up.

Had his father always been such an asshole?

What had his mother been like?

I didn't dare ask in front of his stepmother, though.

"I'm fascinated by your new boyfriend Jungkook Tell us where did you meet?" Aera asked, her voice strained.

She was at least trying to act civilized, although I didn't think she was actually expecting me to answer she looked directly at him as she spoke.

"Well," I began remembering our cover story and trying to get her attention on me.

"I'm a freelance photographer—"

"Oh, I'm sure Jungkook would rather not bore us with the details dear," his father cut in.

Jungmin had a way of speaking that made every word he said to his son into a subtle insult.

As he began to bore us with the details of his newest business venture I almost felt sorry for Jungkook but it wasn't my place.

I wasn't there to care.

Besides, two alphas locking heads wasn't fun for anyone.

Better to avoid the confrontation.

I reached over and placed my hand on Jungkook's thigh, putting on a show.

We were supposed to be a couple and Jungkook wanted me to sell it so of course I did my best.

"Dad, your life is almost as boring as mine is," Jungkook said, and I laughed at his attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

The small talk was excruciating and I found I was better off focusing on Jungkook and my attempts to show that I really was his, even though I had never belonged to anyone in my life.

I leaned in close and tipped my forehead against his, a sweet little nudge.

Jungkook kept up the conversation with his father so that I didn't have to.

I shifted closer and closer with every bite of my food as if I were eager to be right next to my alpha.

I was already halfway into his space and most of the way through my lunch when he turned to me.

I could see him as a wolf for a moment when he leaned in, nuzzling close to my neck.

Deliberately, he breathed me in, a low rumble in his chest.

An alpha wolf's instinct.

It didn't feel entirely fake and that thrilled and terrified me.

I was winning, I realized.

OMEGA ON RENT || JIKOOK  ✅Where stories live. Discover now