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Jimin pov

I'd had enough of that in one lifetime.

I shoved harder, putting all my strength into it.

A rush of anger, that partly had nothing to do with Jeon and more to do with all alphas, propelled me.

I budged him. He shot me a look over his shoulder, part annoyance, part surprise, and leaned into me harder.

Not to be outdone, I pushed back even harder, and I was moving him.

Suddenly, touching Jeon became too real. His musky alpha scent was overwhelming, making my lizard brain freak. Anger, it said. Fear. Sex.

I took in another sharp breath, and as if he knew I was feeling something, Jeon's eyes jerked up to mine.

For a second, it was like he looked right into me, saw the real me. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared.

Then he pulled away and sat upright.

Next thing I knew, I was falling.

My arms flailed grabbing for anything to break my fall including Jeon's nutcracker thighs.

Out of reflex, Jeon jerked back and I squeaked as I tumbled off my chair.

Crash! The whole class looked up.

I popped my head up like a meerkat, waving his battered textbook.

"I'm okay." The class cracked up.

"Thank you," I croaked, "I'll be here all week. All semester, really." They laughed harder, and I wanted to die as tae helped me up off the ground.

"Ugh." Arlo already looked haggard and over it all. "What happened?"

"He made me fall," I said, pointing at Jungkook, the coward.

"You made yourself fall. I just got out of your way."

He crossed his arms back over his thick chest and tried to keep his lips from curling into a self-satisfied smile.

"If you wanna cop a feel, Park, just ask." My cheeks burned.

The man had thighs of steel from running all those bases.

I opened my mouth to give a snappy reply, even though I didn't have one, but Arlo waved a hand.

"Enough for the day. This semester is already too long. Out of my sight, all of you."

A murmur of conversation started up, textbooks clapped closed and chairs screeched as everybody stood up, glad to be out early.

"Way to make an impression, Park,"

Tristan sneered. "Love to tease the alphas, don't you?"

I tried not to let the embarrassment well up in me, show on my cheeks.

I pushed the unease down, a too-big pill sticking in my gullet on the way to my gut.

The ALPHAS filed out, Tristan whispering something into Jeon's ear that made Jeon throw me a look and shake his head in pity.

Tae brushed my shoulders off and dust bunnies that had been on the floor since the thirties came off in little gray puffs. We gathered our things and walked out into the hall.

"Caffeine. I need some," Tae said, shouldering me.

"Ugh, I made an ass of myself, tae."

Tae clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine, bro. You always make an ass of yourself." I snorted.

"Besides, now everybody just thinks you're the class clown."

I rubbed my fingers against my chin.

"Class clown, huh? I can live with that." Taehyung dropped his arm and stepped away.

"Oooooh no, Jimin. Do not take that and run with it. I don't wanna have to back your ass up every five minutes."

"Don't worry, I can back my own ass up."

I did an uncoordinated booty shake against Taehyung's thigh.


"You like it."

"Yeah, I do." Taehyung threw me an exaggerated, salacious wink, then his expression turned serious.

"You gotta figure this whole thing out with Jeon, buddy."

"Nothing to figure out. I still hate him."

Jeon Jungkook had embarrassed me once again,with the added humiliation of...turning me on just a little?

Since when was my brain lizard turned on by that dickbag?

Thinking about our history, and my history with alphas overall, I knew it didn't mean anything.

Confusion, that was all. My faulty mental wiring, probably.

"I still hate him, and I promise to never stop hating him," I repeated.

Then why was the little voice in my head saying something had changed?


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