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Jungkook pov

"What's stopping you from shooting your shot? I've never known you to act all shy before."

"Usually you just stand, like, in their peripheral vision and give them the strong, silent smolder until they're all hypnotized and floating towards you."

"Then you're just all like, 'hey,' and they're creaming their fucking pants."

"So what's up?"

I pulled at my collar, trying to stop the heat in my cheeks.

"Gotta know they like me first."

Dre's bed shrieked as he sat his huge body up on it. "Holy shit. You mean to tell me you're gonna bring out the big guns?"

"The fucking cannons, man. Gotta."

"Shit. I can't let you be this pathetic on your own if Froggy's going a-courting or whatever. You done your research?"


"Your research. You gotta be able to talk to him if you wanna court him, and you gotta be able to give him stuff and take him places. To do that, you gotta know what he likes."

"Smart, bro."

Dre shrugged. "My single brain cell gets a spark every now and then. What do you know about him?"

What exactly did I know about park Jimin?

"He's hot." I pictured his cheekbones, big eyes, full lips. Great hair. Stunning body.

He'd definitely grown from the stringy buzz-cut wearing nerd from high school.

Dre rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Obviously he's hot, or I wouldn't be watching you have a meltdown."

I tilted my head, thinking. "He loves to eat."

"We all do, because our survival depends on it, but go on."

"Shut up, man, he loves to eat more than most people."

"So the way to his heart might be his stomach. Go on."

"He loves to talk." I grinned just thinking about it.

"Fuck, man, you're a goner. We gotta get you hooked up with this guy, ASAP. You say he likes to talk?"

"Hell, he's perfect for your borderline non-verbal ass. Get him in a conversation let him do all the talking. Let him tell you about himself."

"Good one."

"What else?" What else did jimin like? I knew Jimin loves music.

Loved moving and gesturing with his hands, putting things in his mouth and manipulating them to distraction.

Hell, he loved to have things in his mouth period. The last thing I needed was to think about his oral fixation.

The smile dropped off when I thought about his other interest; big pharma.

"I think he's got a condition."

"A condition? Like a heart thing?"

"Dunno, but I saw him taking meds for something."

"Wonder if I could help with it."

"Maybe. Just don't go digging and invade his medical privacy, right? Hippo laws or whatever."

Dre waved a hand and laid down, letting his arms splay out next to him.

"HIPAAprivacy laws?" I deadpanned.

"Yeah, those. Wake me up when it's time to go."

In the next few minutes Dre was asleep, his mouth open slightly. I sat at my desk and opened my laptop.

My best option was to Google it, the way any good researcher in the new millennium did, right?

I ran a search for "medications that change dynamic". There was a long list and I didn't know where to start.

What struck me the most were all the articles that mentioned purposely changing your dynamic.

My gut clenched as I researched "dynamic suppressants".

The amount of articles were a shock, and there were a number of ads promising "alpha power right now" and "never feel like a helpless omega again." Helpless?

After going all the way through eight search pages on Google I'd never been that far back I ran across an article on a controversial suppressant, FDA approved six years ago, which was known to have life-threatening long-term side effects.

My bones creaked from how fast and tight I tensed my muscles.

"Forget suppressing your heats.

Suppress your omega scent, and your hormones and brain will take on a synthetic dynamic indistinguishable from a beta.

Take control of your life and your dynamic," the bold red text said.

Betatrix was the name. The side effects were brutal. It included head aches, nausea, and dizziness- things I knew for a fact affected jimin and much worse.

Essentially, you were taking your life into your own hands with these pills.

How could people stand to make money off this?

How could the government approve it, and doctors okay it?

I was horrified. Why would omegas not want to be omegas?

They were the most incredible things on God's green earth.

But then I thought about it. Just last night there was a news report about an omega who had been shot by his jealous alpha boyfriend and killed.

The alpha claimed temporary insanity, saying that the omega's hormones sent him into a frenzy and that he wasn't thinking when he shot his mate to death.

There was a good chance that argument would get him off.

Unfortunately, this wasn't uncommon.

Nor was the harassment and subjugation of omegas in our society in general. It shamed me to think that in a lot of ways, I'd been a part of that.

No wonder Jimin felt like he couldn't be himself. It broke my heart that he was so desperate he turned to a dangerous drug.

I flipped my laptop shut with a click.

I rested my elbows on my desk and dropped my face into my palms, rubbing over my face.


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