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Jungkook pov

About a month later,I snuck in my parent's front door when I thought my mom wouldn't be home.

The big, stately door swung on silent hinges, not making a sound. I avoided the living room, hoping Killer wasn't there painting his nails.

"Kookie?" That was Dad's voice in the kitchen. I was so relieved.

"Dad?" I crept into the kitchen, following my nose.

Dad was piling leftovers onto a plate for me. "Your mom made some meatloaf and mashed potatoes."

"Gonna heat some up for you."

"She's not here, is she?"

"Nope. Went to the grocery store. You had something to tell me?"

His eyebrows were up and his eyes were twinkling. He sniffed the air.

"Oh boy, do you ever."

"Yeah, Dad, that's why I haven't been coming to the house as much lately."

He grinned. "Because you've been occupied."

I rolled my eyes, a blush high on my cheeks. "C'mon, Dad."

"You know I have to tease you a little bit. You know I'm happy for you, right honey? So happy." He waved me in for a hug and just held me.

"Thanks, Dad," I mumbled.

"It's better than I ever thought it could be. We're in love now. He wears my watch. We...well, you know."

Dad smirked and rolled his own eyes as he held me out at arms length.

"Let me look at you. My little baby, all grown up. Seems like just yesterday I was in labor for seventeen hours-"

"Dad," I groaned. "Not the 'in labor for seventeen hours' treatment, jesus."

"I'm just so proud." He hugged me again.

"Son, you're really courting him, you are seriously courting your omega!"

He leaned in closer. "Way past courting, from the scent of it."

Mom stood there staring at us, the bags she'd been holding in crumpled heaps on the floor, apples rolling all over the patterned tile.

"You're courting an omega?" She said in a voice loud enough to wake the dead.

"Shit," Dad said. "Sometimes that quiet front door is a gift and a curse."

I held my hands up, as if Mom was a bull ready to charge. "Mom, it's a very delicate situation-"

before I could finish she rushed up to me, hugging me hard enough to crush my windpipe,gabbing a mile a minute.

"I'm so excited for you, son! You found someone; I can't believe this! Tell me all about them. Are they male or female? Did you meet at SKU? How old are they? Did they grow up here?"

"Mom. Calm down, please," I pleaded, overwhelmed.

Dad helped wrench her arms from around my neck.

"Don't strangle the boy, hun. I forget how strong you are sometimes."

"Why would I strangle him when my dream is finally coming true, Love?"

"Son, why didn't you tell me? I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

She wagged a finger at me. My Dad and I exchanged looks.

"Who's courting an omega?" Killian's voice boomed as his feet pounded down the stairs. Dad face-palmed.

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