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Jungkook pov

I rolledover when the sunlight cut into my eyes. I fumbled for my phone and checked the time; nine am.

"Way too early for this shit,"

I groaned, my mouth gross and head throbbing. The cute omega laid wrapped around my chest, looking like some sort of Disney princess.

It surprised me that she was even still there. She nuzzled into my chest, then her big, soft eyes blinked open.

"Hey," she said.


"Last night was amazing." I never got tired of hearing that.

Last night, though it was different.

First of all, she still had all her clothes on.

"It's rare that alphas want to just, like, talk, you know? Or, I guess, just listen to me talk, cause you don't say much."

"Everybody says you're always after one thing, especially at this fraternity. You're different, Jungkook."

I gave her a soft half-smile.

"Probably not as much as you think,"

I admitted. I was like most alphas my age I had fun with someone for a night, and that was it.

Last night, for some reason I couldn't explain, it didn't feel right to sleep with Lisa. Yeah, that's her name.

I was so distracted. An invisible string had pulled in the back of my mind.

The omega scent.

The stupid argument with Park nagged at me, too.

Since my brain wasn't fogged with lust I could think clearly.

Lisa was a sweet, innocent girl who deserved better.

I didn't know what to do, so I just listened to her talk about following her heart with her art major and how much she missed her dog back home.

"Wanna maybe grab some breakfast or something?" Her expression was so sweet and hopeful, I didn't want to be an asshole about it.

"I've got class in a few."

"How about after?"

I smiled at her, almost a pitying smile. "Got practice after that."

The sweet smile drooped as she started to get the picture.

This was supposed to be a one nighter, and only that.

"Oh, okay. I'm just gonna head out then." She laughed uncomfortably.

"Maybe I'll see you later in the week?"

"Sure. I have your number."

"Okay. Bye." She waved on her way out of the door.

She'd been sweet and nice and might have been a pretty good lay.

Under different circumstances I might have kept her around, but I had too many to choose from.

Besides, I had to find the Mystery Omega and sweet talk them. Right in front of Park Jimin, if possible.

With Lisa gone, I rolled out of bed to brush my teeth and take a shower, tipping against the wall as I made my way to the bathroom.

On the other side of the room, Dre, who was also my roommate, was sprawled out across his bed with some omega girl sleeping facedown with an arm slung across his chest.

With yesterday's party grime off me and the hangover fuzz off my tongue, it was time to take care of my growling stomach.

I took one step into the hallway and someone walked right into me.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you, I didn't mean-" it was a male omega, only partly dressed and carrying a bundle of his clothes in his hand. I said nothing, only gave him a flat look.

"Hi," he offered tentatively, cheeks pinking under my gaze.

Probably one of Tristan's; he had a type.

They were the total opposite of Tristan himself; he was the son of a state senator, posh and clean-cut.

He seemed to have a thing for omegas who had a skater or punk look.

Park popped into my head. He had that same kind of vibe, but he was too clumsy to skate.

Why is Park in my head so much?

"Okay, I'm gonna go." The omega scurried off to begin his Walk of Shame.

Tristan popped up in the doorway, leaning his forearm against the frame as he stared appreciatively at the omega's retreating form.

"I destroyed him last night. That ass is sloppy now."

I winced. "Classy."

"It's what I'm known for. Time to refuel so I can hose another one down tonight."

"Thanks for the visual."

We padded downstairs shoulder to shoulder, barely able to walk side-by-side in the narrow hall.

Empty red solo cups, beer cans, and random people littered the floor of the house.

The furniture and interior were old and shitty overall anyway, so there wasn't much to destroy.

I stepped over them all, making my way to the kitchen that still had the same neon green paint it had in the eighties.

No one had thrown up in the sink and no one had touched my protein shakes.

Fan-fucking-tastic. I cracked one open and then a bottle of water, alternating between the two in long, deep guzzles.


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