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Just nerves, Jimin. You can do this, I whispered to myself. I waddled further inside the classroom.

The Professor sat at the desk ramrod straight, hands folded. He just gave me a serious look through his horn-rimmed glasses, down his beaky nose, and pointed at the board.

"Take one test. Take one number two pencil. Keep test face down until instructed to do otherwise.

"Talk about uptight," I murmured.

"What was that?" He  growled.

"Nothing," I said, cheerily.

"Good, because there will be no talking during this final."

"You got it, boss." I gave him a sarcastic salute before waddling up a few rows to an empty seat.

The chair squealed really loud when I sat down in it. Everyone, including the professor, stared at me.

"This chair has a great since of humor, apparently," I said with a nervous laugh. My belly clenched a little.

My stomach roiled and my hands shook, and a drop of sweat ran down my back. Yeah, I was nervous.

This test was like, three hours and I was ready to get this show on the road.

The professor got up from behind his desk and began to stroll in front of the class, hands behind his back and his prominent nose in the air.

"Alright class, it is ten minutes to ten AM. I will be giving you your instructions and you will begin at exactly ten AM. You will have three hours in which to complete the test and during that time you may not..."

I drowned out his voice. I just wanted to get this test over with so I could be done with this semester, get back to my alpha, and get ready to have a baby.

As if he agreed with me, the baby stirred a little bit.

"It's alright, baby. We won't have to look at that mean the man much longer."

"It'll really help with our indigestion."

The professor looked at his watch. "And...begin!" I flipped my test over and got started.

At first the advanced calculus problems looked like a foreign language, but I closed my eyes and took a deep, calming breath. When I opened them again, things clicked into place and my fingers were flying.

Twenty minutes in, my back started hurting. Ten minutes after that, I felt a twinge of low in my abdomen.

It wasn't exactly painful, but it was there.

Not long after, there was another one.

"Shit," I cursed to myself.

"False contractions. hobi said that can happen. They have to be."

I tapped a finger on my belly. "Settle down, kiddo."

"Shhh," said the girl on my left.

I held out a hand, palm up. "Having a heart-to-heart with my kid. You mind?"

"Talking results in an automatic zero,"

The professor droned without looking up from his laptop. "I certainly hope no one is talking."

"Nope, not talking," I whispered.

I pushed on. I was kicking the test's ass. Unfortunately, those falsies kept coming back.

They weren't so bad, though.

hobi said they were a test run, and usually happened days before labor.

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