46 (M)

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I blinked awake before Jimin did.

Check Jimin, check baby, my muddled brain said.

It was around seven in the morning, and sunlight filtered in through his bedroom window, pooling on the ground in a far corner.

My paranoia- no, hobi said to be ever-vigilant brought me out of the fuzziness. I looked Jimin over. His dark lashes fanned out on his cheeks.

His chest lifted and fell evenly, and his face was relaxed.

He didn't look like he was in distress.

I put my nose to his neck and inhaled.

"Tickles, Alpha," he mumbled in his sleep, a slight laugh as he swatted at me.

Then he was back to sleeping soundly.

Damn, he was cute.

No distressed scent.

No sweating, clamminess, or anything I could tell on the outside.

His scent has taken on a spicy quality, kind of like it did when he was turned on but there was more to it than that.

I sighed and let my head fall back on the pillow.

Being a young dad when the risks were so high for us was exhausting, especially since starting in the minor leagues right after graduation.

The schedule was grueling.

Without looking, I reached a hand down and rested it on his stomach.

As I spread my palm out it felt...different. I jerked my head down.

Jimin's shirt was rucked up just a little, riding up over his belly.

It was slight, but could really see it, and I could feel it. The roundness.

"Whoa," I whispered as I traced the planes of Jimin's new shape with my fingertips.

"Look at you." It was what, week sixteen? There it was, our first visual evidence of the baby we made. Not just a grainy black and white picture.

There they were, starting to make their presence known just a little. Just enough to blow my mind and make it real for me that I was gonna be a dad.

"Hey kid. It's your A-Dad. You know how to get me to stop complaining, huh? You're worth it, you know?"

Jimin shifted, and when I looked up his eyes were low and sleepy, but open. He smiled as he wiped at them.

"Not gonna be able to hide them for much longer, huh?" Jimin said, laying a hand over mine.

"Nope," I said, popping the "p".

"This makes it more real, huh?" He asked, stroked a hand over the hard roundness.

"Yup." I popped the "p" again, grinning like an idiot.

"Were getting closer," he said.

Every day, we inched closer to a point in Jimin's pregnancy that, should the baby be premature, they'd be able to survive out of the womb.

The good news was things had gone almost as smoothly as a normal pregnancy with hobi's help.

"This calls for a celebration." Jimin's hand landed on my shoulder.

He pushed it down as he straddled me and rolled on top.

"Babe, Nari's waiting for us for breakfast."

The smell of waffles and warm, sweet syrup drifted into the room.

"Don't wanna go downstairs," Jimin moaned as he rolled his hips against mine.

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