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Jimin pov

A few days later, there was knocking at my front door. A real boom, boom, boom. It started out authoritative, then became insistent, then impatient.

"Alright, alright already. Are you the fuzz? You can't be, I live with the fuzz. I'm coming, cool your jets-"

I swung my door open to see one Jeon Jungkook standing there with a constipated look on his face.

Shock, lust, affection, and a little fear doused me like a bucket of water.

I leaned against my door frame and crossed my arms.

"Should I be flattered or creeped out at this point?" I asked.

Jungkook huffed and rolled his eyes, that little smile coming back.

"Why...?" I trailed off, not getting the whole question out.

Why are you here?

I wasn't angry, just confused.

This was the first time Jungkook had ever come to my door.

In response, Jungkook held out a little box.

It was wrapped in shiny, metallic navy blue paper, with a gun-metal silver ribbon tied around it. I gasped out loud.

"Gonna complain about the presentation?" He asked with a smirk.

My heartbeat got faster, my blood pressure pounding in my ears.

My stomach swooped.

My hands started to shake.

"I must say, it's all very 'Jeon', but I'm amazed you wrapped something."

"A thoughtful, from-the-heart gift from Jeon Jungkook. What's the world coming to?"

I tried to joke, but my mind was blown and I was losing control of my body. My fingers fumbled as I pulled at the ribbon and opened the package.

A watch.

The wide, heavy leather strap and the bezel were a liquid midnight black.

The face glowed a sensuous red, detailed with roman numerals and sundials.

It was gorgeous, and clearly expensive.

I fell in love with it instantly.

"Oh," I breathed. In that moment, I knew.

None of the gifts had been after thoughts while Jungkook casually tried to make peace with me.

No, Jungkook was proving he could provide, keeping me fed, showing me he cared enough to notice what I liked and give it to me. He was courting me.

I crumbled. I couldn't resist him.

I wanted Jeon Jungkook, wanted him to be my alpha. My omega instincts cut straight through my medication, sharp as a sword.

At the same time, my body rebelled, memories of my trauma floating up to the surface.

I shook even harder, my teeth chattered like I had hypothermia.

Adrenaline-spiking, screaming fear took over my nervous system.

An alpha's after me.

Chasing me, an omega.

I have to run, I have to hide, I have to fight. Fuck. I am so totally screwed.

"Jimin? You okay?" Jungkook put a hand on my elbow. I flashed back to how he held me in class, when I was on the verge of passing out.

MY SECRET OMEGA || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now