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Jimin pov

"How about ethical issues in the pharmaceutical industry?"

"Like how medications are not tested well enough before they're given to patients and it messes with their bodies."

"They're like, broken promises or something. You have to choose between your health and your safety."

Tae's eyes softened. "We can also talk about price inflation and how they cost five times more than they should," he added.

"Awesome. What do you guys think?"

"Whatever you wanna do. You're the man with the plan," Dre said.

Jeon just kind of shrugged. He always seemed so dismissive of me, like I wasn't worth his time, and it burned me up.

I liked to think I was wrong about that, that maybe it was just my own perceptions, but that was how I felt.

"Is that good enough for you, your highness?" I said.

One corner of Jeon's mouth turned up a little. "I deem it worthy."

"Atten-SHUN!" I barked. All three of them jerked in surprise and sat up straight.

I snickered to myself. I squared my shoulders, clasped my hands behind my back, and paced back and forth.

"Here's the game plan, troops. We got twenty pages to write and a power point to make."

"We need intros. Conclusions. References. Title pages. Twelve-point font and double-spaced. Twenty pages to fill."

I slowly curled my fingers into a fist, lowering my voice.

"And fill it we will." Tae laughed at my five-star general act, and Dre cracked a smile.

Jeon was trying not to. I got a twinge of pleasure from making him laugh.

Bad emotions, bad!

We hate him, remember?

"We're going for a four-pronged attack The one with the greatest strengths takes that piece of the project."

"For example, I am a whiz at research. Like a dog with a bone. A bloodhound with a scent. I will not rest until I have the information we need."

"I'm thinking three parts; the dangers of the medicines the FDA approves, the inflated cost of meds in south Korea, and the lack of medications developed for rare diseases because there's not enough money in it. Tae."

Tae straightened up and gave me a mock salute.

"You're a strong writer, so we'll have you put the paper together. I'll do the bibliography, and you can just do the in-text citations. Dre."

"Yeah?" He lifted his eyebrows, his face open.

"We'll have you write the intro and conclusion to the paper and power point, then you can do the presentation in front of the class and spare us all the embarrassment."

"Write a couple pages, then get up in front of an audience and run my mouth? I was made to do that."

"I like the way you think, Park."

Jungkook eyed him like he'd been betrayed, and that fed my soul.

"Thanks, man. And you." I pointed at Jeon and he lifted an eyebrow at me.

"You can do the majority of the power point, since, you know, there will be lots of pretty pictures and short sentences. That oughtta make it easy for your pea brain." Dre snickered a little. I was starting to like him.

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