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Jimin pov

"Son. Jimin."

"Aahh!" I yelped.

I would have rolled out of bed had my mom not anticipated my clumsiness and wrapped me up in the sheets before she woke me. I clasped my hand to my chest, heaving.

"Sure, scare a guy to death, why?" My mom rolled her eyes fondly.

"A guy who needs to get up or he'll be late for class."

"What time is it?" I tried to sit up, but a spear of pain shot through my left eyeball.

I gasped and brought my hand to my head.

"Jiminie, what is it?" Mom went on high alert, her usual mix of sheriff authority and parental worry.

"It's nothing, I'm fine," I said, even though I couldn't open my eyes.

My head throbbed and my mouth felt like, instead of counting sheep, I'd been chewing on them.

"Kid, you're clearly not fine." Mom's strong hands landed gently, one on my forehead, and one on my cheek.

Her touch and scent soothed me.

I took a deep, shaky breath.

"I am fine, and for the record I resent your accusations to the contrary." I could just hear her rolling her eyes.

"Need some water?"

"Yes, please," I squeaked. The bed creaked and lifted as mom stood up.

Sounds of water splashing into my bathroom sink filled the near-silent room.

"Here." Her strong, calloused hands were back on my chin, squeezing so I'd open up.

She held the glass up to my lips like I was an invalid-which I appreciated- and helped me take a sip.

Just that one sip of cool sink water helped my brain calm down.

"Take these." She put a couple of pills in my palm, and I tossed them down my gullet.

"You sure class is a good idea today?"

I huffed. "Come on, mom. I'm not gonna let a little thing like a headache keep me from my academic glory."

"Besides,that dickhead Jeon jungkook is in my group for our first big project, and I'm not gonna let him screw this up or show me up. No way."

Mom snorted, clearly feeling better that I was acting like myself.

"The Jeon boy, huh?"

"The douche-nozzle himself," I grumbled.

"Still giving you trouble after all this time?"

My mind flashed back to the riiippp sound my poster made as he snatched it off the wall.

Unfortunately, it also flashed back to his biceps in his SKU baseball tee.

"As much as I can handle."

"I keep hoping the two of you will find a way to bury the hatchet."

I shook my head. "Not gonna happen."

"Don't get me wrong, I'd pull his head off for you without question but you know, I've heard from outside sources that he's an alright kid."

"A little immature, a little bit of a player, but overall a good alpha that works hard and treats people like human beings."

"I wonder why he's got it in for you?"

"That's the question of the century. One of life's great mysteries,like which came first, the chicken or the egg." I threw up my hands.

"You don't think maybe there was a misunderstanding when the two of you first met?"

"Yeah, he misunderstood that you're supposed to be nice to people."

"The golden rule and all that jazz. Why are you taking his side?"

"I'm not taking his side. I just gotta think there's more to it, jimin." Mom looked like she was hiding a smirk.

"What," I gave her my most sinister stink eye, "does that look mean?"

"I'm just...surprised you guys haven't gotten it out of your system. Moved past all this to-" She cut herself off, folding her lips in.

"To what?"

"Nothing, kiddo. You said you want academic glory today. Sounds like a worthy mission."

She stood up off my bed again." you're alive so it appears my work here is done."

She dusted her hands off. "That is, of course, unless you want me to help you get dressed.I'm not opposed to it."

"I'm up. I'm up. Gonna wash my own pits and pull my own pants on one leg at a time, thank you very much."

"Just saying. I've seen everything you got, like a million times. I've seen everything you got covered in diaper rash."

"Oooookay, enough visuals for today. Thanks for the parenting, you've been highly pariential."

"That's not a word."

"Okay, I love you. Goodbye." I waved at her as she backed out of the door, chuckling to herself.

"That woman lives to mortify me," I mumbled, half exasperated, half grateful.

I reached over to my nightstand, knocking over eyedrops and random hard candies with lint stuck to the wrappers. I took two more aspirin, then reached for my Betatrix pills.

I hesitated a little, my hand floating aimlessly in the air, the morning sunlight catching on the light brown hairs of my forearm.I should stop this.

"I'm not ready," I whispered, grasping the pills, making them rattle in their orange jar.

"I'm not ready." I poured three out into my hand.

I kept my left, more painful eye closed and peered into the bottle with my right; my supply was dwindling faster than it should have.

There had to be a way to convince my doctor to give me an early refill.

I spilled them down the drain in the bathroom. Yeah, that was it.

How to make them give me a higher pill count overall?

That solution didn't come as easily.

Working out more?

Change of seasons?

Just tell them it wasn't as effective anymore and see how things went...


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