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Jungkook pov

Inside I stopped at the vending machines, guzzling a yellow Gatorade before heading down the dim, gray hallway toward the locker rooms, my cleats clacking on the concrete floor.

One moment I was minding my own business, the next I was getting bowled over.

The scent hung thick and cloying in the air, like nectar in springtime.

The Mystery Omega was here.

I took a couple of quick sniffs, lifting my nose to take in more of the aroma.

It was unmistakable. Driven by pure instinct, I looked for the source.

This time, the scent was stronger.

Too strong to ignore.

I pushed through a blue door, which made a slight squeal. I wandered in, past toilet and shower stalls and through rows of blue lockers towering over my head.

I played the hot and cold game, and as I got warmer my brain lit up with instincts and all that ran through my head was mating, knotting, claiming, mine.

I had to meet this omega. I'd never been more hot, more desperate, more ready for anything in my life.

Oh, shit. I swung my head back and forth, taking stock of where I was.

I was in the wrong locker room.

It would be my ass if I got caught in here, but I just had to know. This could be the omega of my dreams.

Someone was grumbling a few rows down; could it be them?

"Why aren't you working? Please work, you have to work!" The voice hissed from deeper inside.

I knew that voice, but I couldn't place it. In the silent, otherwise empty locker room it was loud, but not enough to get a read on who it was.

The scent mingled with something familiar although, I couldn't quite put my nose on what that was, either.

I rounded the corner and found...

Park Jimin.

Park Jimin was alone. His back was to me, but I'd recognize the cut of those shoulders anywhere.

Luckily, he had earbuds in blasting some sort of punk rock and had no idea I was there. The scent was so strong in this spot it coated us both.

I'd shove him out of the way if I had to, in order to get to this omega.

My eyebrows knitted as I looked left, then right, then spun all the way around, looking for the source of the scent. Then my brain caught up.

The reason the scent was familiar?

It was Jimin.

Park Jimin was the Mystery Omega.

My mouth dropped open.

My feet were glued to the floor, the shock froze me in place, like I stuck a fork in a toaster.

Impossible. Jimin was a beta.

Despite myself, my feet moved.

I drifted closer and closer to him, only pulling up when I was in his bubble, stopping within inches of him.

The omega- his omega scent wafted around him like some sort of heavenly atmosphere, aura, or cloud.

My hand extended, and my fingers twitched. If I reached out and touched him, would he feel as electric as he smelled?

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