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Jungkook pov

I stood up, making my stool screech on the tile. "Gotta go, you guys."

"That's him, isn't it?" Mom said, her voice cracking. She wiped at a tear with the back of her hand.

"Go take care of your mate, son."

"Love you guys," I said, giving them both quick kisses on the cheek.

When I left, they were holding hands at the kitchen island, talking about how fast I grew up.

At Jimin's house, the door swung open just as I raised my hand to knock. Jimin's pinched, red face was the first thing I saw.

He was crying his eyes out. He held his arms open and I wrapped him up, squeezing the life out of him.

"Baby, what's the matter?" He shook his head and wept.

"Let's go inside and sit down." he held on blindly as I sway-walked him to the couch.

The springs groaned as we dropped down on the beat-up black leather.

"Tissue," Jimin said.

"Here, sweetheart." I handed him some Kleenex from the coffee table and he horked his nose into them.

"No, tissue. From the bathroom," he blubbered, his face in my shoulder.

"You want bathroom tissue?" I asked.

"No, the commercial. The bears."

"Bears? What about bears?"

He pressed a button on the DVR and rewound it to a commercial with cartoon bears talking about having clean butts after using bathroom tissue.

My eyebrows hit my hairline. "You sent me an emergency text because of cartoons wiping their asses?"

"They're so cute," he moaned. "Look at them shaking their fat, furry butts."

"Oooooookay. Don't get it. Gonna comfort you anyway."

"You mad at me?"

"Course not, babe. I know you've been a little more sensitive lately. Gonna laugh a little, though." Jimin pulled back to glare at me and I snickered.

"Not at you, with you."

Suddenly, his stomach growled like a lion. He blinked up at me and poked out his lip, giving me the saddest puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen.

My instincts were to get him fed at all costs. My mate needed to eat.

"Anything you want, Baby, I'll get it. Want me to run to Slappy's?"

"No," he whined, straddling my lap.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face in the crook.

"Don't leave me." He'd been clingy, too. Really clingy. I chalked it up to easing back on the Betatrix.

I petted at his soft hair. "Promise I'm not going anywhere," I murmured, feeling the need to treat him gently.

"Just wanna get you fed. Order a pizza?"

"Mm-hmm." He nodded against my neck, squeezing me tighter.

"I'll get your favorite from Valerio's."

"With cannoli?"

"I'd never forget the cannoli, sweetheart." Man, he softened me right up and I didn't even care.

Jimin sighed happily, his warm breath tickling my neck. I tucked a hand under his shirt and smoothed it up and down his back, enjoying the warmth of his smooth skin.

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