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Jungkook pov

"Why are parents always right?"

Dad slung a strong arm around my shoulders. "Super powers."

I groaned, but I was smiling. "Thanks, Dad."

"Anytime, Son. I can't wait until you bring him home. In the meantime, I won't breathe a word about it to your mother." Dad's expression went a little cloudy.

"You said you've hated each other for years. That means you've caught his scent a lot. Why do you think it's just now hitting you that he's your mate?"

He's your mate,the words ping-ponged around in my head. I couldn't expose Jimin. What was I gonna say?

"How didn't I know? I-uh..."

"What about your mother?" Mom asked as she descended the stairs.

"This woman's hearing goes beyond the supernatural," Dad grumbled.

Mom got to the bottom of the stairs and stared at us expectantly.

We both averted our eyes, looking at anything but her.

"I really need to paint this ceiling," Dad said, looking straight over his head. "Kook, you wanna help me paint the ceiling this month?"

"Love to, dad. Sign me up!" I chuckled nervously.

Mom crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "You boys are hiding some thing from me."

"We're not hiding anything, Mom," I squeaked.

"With those guilty looks on your faces? You might as well wear 'busted' signs on your foreheads."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Does it have something to do with the way you came in here all sad and mopey, needing to be hugged?"

There were a tense few seconds where beads of sweat popped out on my forehead as I suffered under the strain of my mother's detective skills.

I sucked at keeping things from her.

My eyes darted back and forth between her and my father, begging for his help.

Just as the damn was about to break-

"Alright, alright, we'll come clean." My dad held up his hands in defeat.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, spinning toward him with my eyes wide.

"She's gonna figure it out either way, son, we might as well get it over with now."

"You literally just promised me you wouldn't tell her about the-"

Dad shushed me harshly, putting a finger to his lips. I looked on in horror as my father sold me out.

"Okay, look, Hun, jungkook wanted me to help plan you an extra-special birthday surprise for your fiftieth."

"He wants to make it huge and one-of-a-kind, but obviously he didn't want you to know about it."

I nearly passed out from relief, while mom exploded, wiggling with excitement.

"Jungkook! You'd do that for your old mom? My birthday isn't for months!"

"That's why I wanted to plan early," I croaked.

"Sweetheart. You're such an amazing son!"

"What is it, what are you getting me?"

"Now, if he told you that it wouldn't be a surprise, would it honey?"

Dad lectured, wagging a finger at her.

Mom composed herself, smoothing down her floral apron even though her feet were pedaling in place.

"No, I suppose not. But now I have months to agonize over it."

"It's your own fault, hun, you can never leave well enough alone."

"I'm so excited I just cannot handle it!" She drew me in for a bone-crushing hug.

When she finally let go, she smushed my face in her hands and kissed my nose.

"I'm just gonna go back upstairs and mind my own business so you boys can do some more planning."

She kissed Dad on the lips before practically doing a jig up the stairs.

Dad leaned his head over toward me.

"You better get her something fucking incredible."

I spent the time between our next group study session panicking and practicing. I stared at myself in the full-length mirror hanging on the back of my door.

I smoothed my hand over my short black hair and over my eyebrows.

I put on one of my favorite outfits for when I wanted to look like a million bucks but make it seem casual, like I put no effort into it.

"Time to make an effort, Jeon." I had no idea where to start.

Make amends, Dad said. I need a fresh slate. Being the bigger person and backing down from an argument is hard for me. Beyond hard.

What does humble even mean?

Gotta figure out how to humble myself. The door flew open and the mirror flew into my face, making me jerk back and stumble a few paces.

Dre came in, staring at me weird as he threw himself on his bed.

"What you doing, man? Talking to yourself?"

"Sign of intelligence," I grumbled.

" if you say so. You say more words to yourself than you say to other people, and I feel like that's a sign you're insane." I threw a brush at him.

He caught it right before it hit his face.

"Lemme guess. This is about the O you're so gone over." I didn't have the strength to argue with him. I just let my head fall back and grimaced at the ceiling.

"If they got you acting like this, you're definitely going insane. You gonna see them today? You're looking awful snazzy, Big A." He lifted an eyebrow and looked me up and down.

"Not gonna see them, just, be around them."

"When, after study group?"

"Uh, yeah, after. Like, in the evening."

I almost forgot Dre wasn't supposed to know my omega was in our study group, ranting loud and long about big Pharma while looking like the lead guitarist for a goddamn pop punk band or something.


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