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Jimin pov

"Y'all are pranking me. Y'all got jokes. This is a good one."

"Promise me you'll keep this under wraps, Dre. Promise," Jungkook said.

Dre ran a hand over his fade. "Shit man, you know how bad I am with secrets."

"You gotta get good with this one, Dre. Seriously."

"That's why you were acting all crazy in our group. It's been Park the whole time and now y'all are..." he twisted his fingers together.

"Man, that's cute. I mean, I don't want it. Love's too much drama, case in point. But y'all are cute."

"Thanks, I guess," I grumbled.

In a dazed voice Dre said to Jungkook, "You really were in love."

Jungkook blinked stupidly. He turned his head to look at me, his eyebrows doing the nervous-hopeful thing I'd been seeing so much.

His doe eyes softened and his mouth twitched at the corners.

"I mean, kinda. Yeah," he said.

It was my turn to blink stupidly.

Did he love me, then?

"Wait, so how did it happen?" Dre dropped down on his bed, resting his elbows on his knees.

"I know about J's hopeless pining-"

I grinned. "Now I know about J's hopeless pining," I said, waggling my eyebrows.

"Not hopeless," Jungkook argued weakly.

"But then, what, he started being nice to you..." Dre said, doing a rolling motion with his hands that meant "go on."

"Yeah!" I laid a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Then he wooed me. So romantic how he snuck up on me and gave me meat soup in a jug. He got me this, too!"

I showed off my watch. Hey, our cover was blown anyway. Why not brag?

Dre whistled. "Whoo, look at that timepiece!Y'all are practically mated!"

Jungkook flushed deep, all the way down his chest.

"I mean, kinda, yeah," I said to him softly, just to watch him smile back.

Just then, pain like a hot brand seared my left eye, pulsing in the socket and spreading over my forehead and temples.

I hissed and winced, massaging my eyelid.

Jungkook cradled my face in his hands. "Little star , you okay?"

"Uh-oh. Is this that condition you have acting up?" Dre asked.

"What?" I asked, looking at him through a blurry right eye.

Jungkook stared daggers into him.

"Oh, right. Hippo laws and all that. Welp, I'm gonna step out for a few."

"Hope you feel better, Park. Who is dating Jungkook. Because Park's an omega and y'all are mates. Okay."

He stood up straight from his bed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Remember, Dre," Jungkook said in a low, threatening voice.

"Keep this quiet."

Dere made a constipated face. "Quiet. Yes. Will do. Quiet-keeping."

"It's happening. Bye!"

He scooted out of the door, slamming it behind him, making the mirror on the back wobble dangerously.

Jungkook grabbed me some pain pills and a bottle of water, running a wash cloth in the bathroom.

"This better be from a volcanic spring in Korea," I joked, even though my eye felt like it was about to explode.

"Even better. Arctic glacier." He fed me the pills and laid on his side behind me, pulling me down in front of him.

"Oh, no, that's even worse. We need those!" Jungkook pulled me back until we were spooning, my back against his hard, and still bare, chest.

He rested the cool, damp cloth against my forehead and I sighed in relief, letting the cold soothe the pain and my alpha's tight, warm embrace relax me.

"It's actually Brita filtered," he said with a little laugh.

"As average as it comes."

"As long as it isn't swimming with antidepressants and fluoride and shit, I'm a happy camper."

"Dre's cool," Jungkook said after a moment.

"and he's gonna try, but he's been known to let things slip. You know what this means, right?"

"We can't keep hiding this forever."

"Probably not much longer, no." Fear made me break out in goosebumps.

I went silent, and Jungkook cuddled me closer, kissing my hair.

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault," I whispered.

"I'm with you no matter what, okay?"

"I'm right here with you." I believed him.

I squeezed his arm, looked at the watch he marked me with.

My disguise was slowly but surely being peeled away.

I was being dragged out of betahood, whether I liked it or not.

What would the world make of park Jimin the omega?

We were gonna find out, sooner rather than later.


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