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Jungkook pov

Dre and I didn't talk much as we went back and forth hitting balls.

We didn't need to.

I lost time as I worked up a sweat, swinging the shaft of wood, twisting my body, working up a sweat.

I loved how I had to focus on the ball, coming at me so fast I could hardly see it, the spike of adrenaline and explosion of power, the satisfying crack when I ripped one across the diamond.

I could forget all about how I looked into Park's eyes and caught a glimpse of his soul.

A couple of hours later we were panting, swigging blue gatorade.

Dre took one last gulp and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Last semester, man. After this we're really grown-ass alphas."

"Better get our asses ready for the big leagues.Don't wanna be desk jockeys."

"Speak for yourself, Mr. Star Short stop."

"Yeah, whatever, Mr. Big Hitter. If anybody has a shot at the league it's you." Dre choked out a laugh and pointed at the sky.

"God willing. Gotta stay healthy."

I knocked my shoulder into his, rubbing some of my red clay dust onto him.

"You will. You're set, man."

"Easy for you to say, bruh. No matter what, you still got the hookup. I'd kill to be a desk jockey if baseball don't work out for me." He was right.

I had a spot waiting for me at Jeon and Associates,my family's accounting firm, no matter what happened.

The Jeon were an influential family in Seoul, so even if I wanted to try some thing else we had the connections.

It wasn't lost on me how lucky I was.

"Don't worry, man. I'm set, you're set. You're good, though. I'll be coming to you for a loan pretty soon."

Dre laughed out loud. "Let's hope so, man. In the meantime, I wanna scrape by in class, party, and get laid before the real world hits me." He held up a balled up fist and I pounded it.

Get laid. It reminded me of the weird tickle in my nose. Park Jimin flashed in my head again. I pushed him out.

He had no reason to be there.

A light flashed in Dre's pocket.

When he looked at the screen his face lit up, too.

"Oh, shit. Pool at Oxford tonight. They are rounding up all the fresh Omegas, then it's party time at ALPHA house."

He lifted his eyes to me, grinning slyly. "You ready, man?"

"Always." The weird tickle in my nose nagging at me.

It was still so small, it was easy to ignore it.

That evening, ALPHA gathered in Oxford Student Union.

It had a huge recreation center in the basement with a mini-arcade, pool tables, and a full bowling alley.

"Your king has arrived," Dre shouted, holding his arms wide.

"Oh, and I guess the president is here, too." He jerked his head at me.

We walked in, getting profanity and back-slaps as a greeting.

I jostled other alphas out of the way, wrestling up a piece of pepperoni pizza and taking up a pool stick.

"Prepare to get your ass handed to you, Jeon," said Hazel, a tiny, willowy alpha who could toss me over her shoulder.

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