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We spent a few days tucked away in our love nest, recovering from all the chaos, building our bond, freaking out in both happy and scared ways about the little person we made.

On Monday, Jungkook bundled me into his car.

"Where we going?"

"Got an appointment. For our baby."

I sat up in my seat, eyes bugging out of my head. "No shit? Are we gonna see him? Her. Him. Them. Are we gonna see them?"

"I think so, yeah. We'll find out today how healthy they are."

How healthy they are, not if they're healthy. That little change meant the world.

I was scared into silence. he rested a hand on my thigh as he drove. I curled my fingers between his and held on.

We walked into SK hospital's baby clinic hand-in-hand, my free hand resting on my belly.

It had taken less than an hour to develop the belly-cradling habit, and now I did it all the time.

The waiting room immediately helped ease the tightness in my shoulders.

"This is zen, isn't it?" I said, and his hard eyes relaxed a little in the corners.

"Yeah. Nice water." A tiny electric fountain spilled water over pebbles on a corner table, making a comforting trickling sound.

The walls were a blue-green just like the ocean, and landscapes and forest-scapes hung on the wall.

"I have a good feeling about this place," I said, brightening up.

"Me, too." Jungkook squeezed my hand.

"Park Jimin?" A nursing assistant called.

"That's us," He said, helping me up.

"I'm not gonna need that for like, six months," I teased.

"Oh. Want me to stop?" his eyebrows crinkled in worry and apprehension.

"Are you kidding? I love it. I'd have you carry me everywhere starting yesterday if I could." He snorted.

But was relieved he could baby me. So relieved, he grabbed me by the waist and hefted me off my feet.

"Whoa! Alpha!" I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Traveling in style. I like this pregnancy thing already."

Inside, the exam room looked more like a living room with cushy chairs and more zen artwork.

"hobi will be with you in a minute," the assistant said.

"I'm so glad you'll be working with him. You're in for a treat."

"Awesome." I melted into the cushy seat. "Who is this hobi guy, anyway?"

Jungkook shrugged. "They say he's the best."

"Heeeeeeere's Johnny!" Said a sweet voice.

The door swung open and in walked a handsome, almost innocent-looking omega man in a blue sweater.

I had no idea how old he was; he carried himself like a professional in his mid-thirties, but his aura and youthfulness made him look twenty-one.

He threw his head back and laughed, a soft, musical little sound that reminded me of small wind chimes tinkling.

"Just kidding. I'm hobi."

I couldn't help but smile. "Was that from 'The Shining?'" I asked.

"Yeah! Sorry if it was all scary and stuff." He waved his hands, smiling with his whole body.

MY SECRET OMEGA || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now