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Jungkook pov

The next day, I leaned against my car in the empty parking lot, my arms crossed, looking around at the quiet, humble little park.

There was a burbling creek at the edge of it, surrounded by small, hardy trees and bramble.

There was a little playground with a rusted metal jungle gym and a swing set.

I tried to relax, tried to look cool, but my nerves jangled and buzzed. Soon, the sound of an engine with a faulty muffler filled the air.

A second later, a rusted out, beat up old Bonneville pulled into the lot, Jimin behind the wheel, one arm dangling out of the window and shades on, playing Third Eye Blind.

I twisted my lips, trying to hide my smile as he parked right next to me, his brakes squealing as he stopped.

Be cool, Jeon, be cool.

He climbed out of his car and slammed the door, looking really fucking hot in those tight gray jeans I liked, red Chuck Taylors, and a tank top that showed off his biceps.

He jerked his chin up at me. "Sup."

I did the same back to him, trying not to laugh. He was really cute. "Sup."

"Hope I didn't show you up too bad pulling up in this hot rod."

He patted the Bonneville's hood. The antenna fell off and hit the ground with a tinny clatter.

"Shit." Jimin went after it, expertly reattaching it.

He must have done it a million times.

"I'm hurt, but I think I'll live," I replied.

He nodded as if I just said something profound.

We just stood there, blinking at each other. I loved to look at him, just take him in, now that I was allowed.

I was also completely tongue-tied.

"Awesome. So. What do we do now?" He asked, looking around.

I had no idea where to start.

"Don't know. You wanted to meet at this park."

"Well yeah, 'cause it's a nice park. I picked a spot and I showed up, so what's your play, dude? 'Cause I don't know how to have a conversation with you outside of arguing."

Hell of a point. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I stood there gaping like a fish. Then I panicked.

Jimin looked at me expectantly. He waited for me to find the words but they weren't coming. His shoulders slumped with disappointment.

"Wow, nothing good to say to me, huh? We really can't be around each other unless we're arguing."

"Maybe this was a bad idea." He reached for his car door.

"Wait," I said, much louder than I meant to. He froze in place.

I yanked open my passenger door and scooped up his gift from the front seat.

I planned on giving it to him as we were leaving, but I had to throw my Hail Mary now. The gift made a swish noise as I picked it up, all the little packages crinkling inside.

Jimin broke out into a wide grin when he saw what I held. "Is that what I think it is?" I nodded.

"Aw, Jungkook, you should have," he said, taking the garbage-bag-wrapped box out of my hands.

He jiggled it a little, feeling the weight. "There's a lot more this time. Like, ten times more."

"Went for the dozen box this time."

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