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Jungkook pov

The next step, for the next few days at least, was avoidance. Anywhere I might run into Jimin, I refused to go.

Slappy's  Sandwiches, Coffee, baseball practice, and our ethics course.

I claimed sick to anyone who asked and mostly holed up in my room.

I knew I couldn't pull it off much longer, because Dre was a nosy motherfucker.

"Nosy motherfucker," I grumbled when he poked at the big lump of me curled up under a pile of covers on my bed.

"Just making sure you're alive, man. You're starting to smell."


"I'm exaggerating a little but you gotta be gross under there, man, and that's coming from a frat bro in his early twenties."

"I know you don't feel good, but take care of yourself, for fuck's sake. You need Something?"


"Good, cause I'm not your mom. You gonna make it to study group today?" I threw the covers back and glared at Dre.

He had no idea how complicated that question was. "Got an email from Tae asking how you were doing."

"He sent me one, too." That Taehyung, he was a cool guy.

"Park says he loves having a break from your annoying face, but it's weird not having you around. Says you're like a wound that won't heal or a scab he can't stop picking at."

"Eloquent," I said, but my heart skipped a beat.

Does he miss me? I brought my palm to my face. Call me a masochist, but I almost missed our regular spats, too.

"He accused you of trying to get out of doing any work. I wouldn't put that past either of us, but right now you really do look like shit."

"It's all his fault," I groaned into my hands.


"Nothing." I rolled to sitting on the edge of the bed then hauled myself up.

"I heard that. You said it's all his fault," Dre had a teasing, mischievous smile on his face.

"That's why you're in bed. Because you can't stop thinking about him and you have no idea how to get with him. You're sick, alright. With love."

My adrenaline spiked.

"Who told you that?" I wanted to grab Dre and shake him.

"Nobody's supposed to know."

"Dude, I know all about it." Dre was downright gleeful.

"Guess I'll have to snitch to Jimin that you have been lying to get out of class." I was ready to beg.

"Dre, don't be a dick about this. Please."

"Relax, man. You think I'd really tell Park you're laid up in here because the Mystery Omega rejected you? Hell, I'd think you'd want to tell him yourself. He'd probably get jealous."

I dropped back on the bed.

Dre hadn't put it together that Park was the Mystery Omega.

I lifted my eyes to him."Wait, you think he'd get jealous?"

Dre held his hands up as if to say. "whoa there."

"I think he secretly likes getting attention from you, man. He starts up with you all the time, and it seems like he's always in your face. What's up with you, anyway? You're acting really weird. Is this what happens when you fall in love? 'Cause I don't want it!"

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