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I looked around,back and forth across the open field and to the SKU auditorium, my nerves frying.

I stuck my hand in my pocket, making sure it was still there.

"Son, what's the matter, Hun?" My dad asked.

"Nothing's the matter," I said, my eyes still scanning the crowd.

It was graduation day, and hundreds of people were gathered on the SKU field, right next to the baseball  where I spent four of the best years of my life.

My life was about to change so drastically it made me stagger.

The biggest life change, my mate, was on his way to support me and be publicly seen as an omega for the first time in five years.

Dad followed my eyes. "Looking for someone? Dre and his family?"

"Yeah, yeah," I answered quickly, my eyes still on the horizon.

"That it?" Dad asked. When I glanced at him, he was smiling.

"I swear, parents are psychic," I mumbled.

"Is that Park frickin' Jimin?" Killian said in a voice that could wake the dead.

He elbowed me in my side and I turned around. There he was, crossing the field, coming my way.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Who's Park Jimin?" Jennie asked behind me, cradling my tiny newborn niece Aera Jr. in one arm.

Jennie shielded her eyes from the sun with her free hand and followed my eyes.

Jimin had his hands in his pockets and his head tipped down toward the grass, looking hot in gray slacks and a blue button-down. Sheriff Park was with him, wearing her dress uniform.

I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Didn't you know, Jen? That's Kook's boyfriend," Killian said in a mocking little-brother voice.

"That's not my boyfriend." I smiled, and thumped Killian on the back, harder than was necessary.

"Ow!" He complained.

"That's my mate," I said and started for Jimin. The field seemed so long, like an ocean of grass, green waves blowing in the wind. I missed him.

It was physically painful to be away from his side for so long, especially thinking about my baby, but there he was. We were about to be reunited.

Nari nudged him with a shoulder and jerked her chin towards me. Jimin looked up.

He broke out into a smile, and it was as bright as the sun over our heads.

Finally, we closed the distance. We stood face to face, just looking at each other.

For the first time, I got to show off my mate.

"Hi," he said.

"Hey," I said, dreamily.

"You look great. I'm glad you came."

He shrugged easily. "We wouldn't miss it." He winked. Him and our baby, who was still our little secret.

"You look good enough to eat, by the way."

Mrs park rolled her eyes, hiding a smile. "Here we go."

Jimin threw his arms up in mock exasperation.

"I can't help it my man is smoking, burn-your-eyes-out hot, Mom."

Something about that lit me up from the inside. I needed to touch him, and for once, I'd get to.

MY SECRET OMEGA || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now