48 ( M)

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I got ahold of the team receptionist, who put me straight through to our GM, who was pissed.

"Jeon, where the hell are you?"

"I got sort of a delicate situation..."

Jimin got eye level with my dick, stroking it back to life. "Sweet Jesus, I want this back in me."

"My omega partner just went into heat. I need some emer-her-gency days." I stuttered while Jimin inhaled all of me, right down to the root.

He pulled off again just long enough to say, "God, make it sound so official." Before diving back down again.

"Ah. It already started, I take it?" Jim said. "In that case, we'll activate your leave."

"Okay, so I'm good... I really appreciate you working with me."

"Jungkook, hang up the fucking phone already,"

Jimin said in a husky voice, raspy from swallowing me repeatedly.

Jim must have heard Jimin's lust-crazed voice through the receiver, because he laughed loud and long.

"I wish you luck and lots of stamina, kid."

"Thanks," I mumbled as he hung up, looking down at Jimin's dark eyes as he worked me with his mouth.

"I'm gonna need it."

I tossed the phone and tried to think straight as he sucked the life out of me. My vision was blurry as I stuck two fingers into my mouth and blindly slid them down toward Jimin's ass.

He moaned when I made contact with his skin, arching his back, trying to angle my fingers inside of him.

My wet fingers encircled his entrance, teasing, and stroking.

I needn't have worried about wetting them myself; Jimin was soft and dripping like ripe fruit.

The tips of my fingers glanced over the very edge of Jimin's rim, light enough to a tickle, but heavy enough to make him leak again, enough to make Jimin press back against them in search of more pressure.

I pushed my middle fingertip in, breaching Jimin's opening; it was steaming hot and vice-tight, like his body forgot what happened like ten minutes ago.

Jimin's mouth dropped open and his eyes rolled back as he moaned, one hand wrapped around my dick, the shaft bumping against his lips, his warm breath tickling me in the cool air.

Seeing Jimin like this was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

I rocked my fingers in deeper, an in-and-out motion with my wrist.

Jimin sucked in time to the motions, letting out truly filthy noises.

I controlled the pace with my finger, adding another and then another.

"Shit Omega, gonna make me cum."

"Yeah. Want that Alpha."

"Wanna knot you."

"Yeah. Want that more." I yanked him up for a kiss that tasted like my pre-cum.

I nipped, sucked, and bit at his earlobe while I rolled Jimin's nipple between my fingers, Jimin letting out soft sighs.

"Hey, you promised me another knotting, buddy. Hop to it."

He swatted at my thigh and stood up, his length bobbing. "C'mere, c'mere."

He pulled me up and around the side of the couch. He grabbed a pillow, laid it on the arm, and bent over it, ass up and face in the cushions.

"Want it like this, please and thank you, big Alpha."

I bit my fist so hard I broke the skin. "Wait, are you..."

He wiggled his ass. "Nope, belly's not touching anything, just my hips. See?"

"Oh, I see alright."

"Then dive in, sailor!" I laughed.

Even horny out of his mind, Jimin was still hilarious.

I used my big hands to arch Jimin's pretty ass upwards and spread his cheeks, giving myself a view of every thing that was mine.

"Mine," I growled.

"Hell yeah, that ass is yours alpha."

I pulled on Jimin's dick a couple times before crouching down and licking a stripe from shaft to balls to ass.

I did it again and again, up and down, until Jimin was sloppy and shivering.

I sucked Jimin's dick into my mouth, pulling back until it came out with an audible pop.

His asshole was pink and shiny, swallowing my fingers, hungry for my knot.

"God, you're tight, Jimin. How're you so fuckingtight."

"Kegels and shit. Ooh!"

He hissed as I worked my fingers in deeper, spreading them to carefully train Jimin's hole.

"Okay, okay, just, get in me already?"

I thrust into him and he let out a string of curses.

"Hard, Alpha. Hard. Harder." I drew most of the way out and slammed back in, punching the breath out of him. I sped up the pace, making him wail as our bodies collided with a slap.

"Oh, fuuu-uuu-uuuuck, fuck me!" his voice shook every time I pounded him.

"Yes, yes, give it to me, I need it so bad..."

Finally, my knot started to swell, filling him up.

He could barely keep still. He was writhing, hissing, running his hands up and down his body, his neck, his nipples, his abs, his dick.

"Feels so good, I can't control it..."

"It's alright, Baby," I whispered.

I shuddered as Jimin's body milked me for all I was worth.

"It feels so good, that fat knot in me Alpha..." Jimin shook uncontrollably, overwhelmed physically and emotionally.

"It's okay, baby. I got you." I ran a soothing hand down his back and through his hair.

Carefully, I helped him stand upright and wrapped my arms around him, nuzzling his neck and cradling his belly, holding him until the worst of the shaking was done.

His eyes a little more clear, he looked down at the mess we made. "This poor couch. The deposit covers that, right?"

"I sure hope so, for their sake."

I carefully walked Jimin around the side of the couch, me hissing and him shuddering every time my knot glanced over his prostate.

We sat on the couch limp like a couple of rags, Jimin resting his head back on my shoulder.

When it finally started to go down, after another forty-five (I didn't know it could last that long; maybe it was a combination of our bond and Jimin's elevated heat hormones), I reached to the side table that was piled with food, water, and testing equipment.

Jimin got mad when I slid out of him, leaving him a leaking, sloppy mess.

"What the fuck, Alpha. I was feeling so full, so complete. This really pisses me off."

"We need to eat, You need to eat."

"Then feed me, peasant." Jimin clapped his hands fast twice, as if giving orders to a butler.

I chuckled and handed him more fruit and protein bars before getting up to grab a prepped meal from the fridge.

Blood pressure, blood sugar, temp...

I ran over the list of things we needed to check to make sure Jimin and the baby were okay.


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