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Jimin pov

He knitted his brows together and looked down at my hand, and I remembered I was touching him.

I pulled back fast. Flustered, I held the bag up and shook it at him.

"What is this, Jeon?"

"Candy, last time I checked." He deadpanned.

"You know what I mean." Why give me this? Why pay attention to what I like? Why now? He shrugged, as cool and nonchalant as ever.

"I think our feud is silly. Don't wanna put any more energy into it."

"I don't expect anything from you, I just don't want to argue anymore."

I pulled out a candy bar while giving him a withering stare, the cellophane wrapper crinkling as I unwrapped it.

"What are you playing at, Jeon Jungkook ?"

"I'm not playing at anything, Park Jimin. I really want us to bury the hatchet."

I poked my finger into his chest with my free hand.

"You have some sort of ulterior motive. Don't think for a second I trust you."

I punctuated my statement with a big, crunching bite,making full eye contact as I did it.

Jungkook's lips twitched at the corner. Damn him for laughing with me and not at me for once.

"You want more?" He nodded toward my hand, smudged with melted chocolate.

"Of course I want more," I snapped.

It only made it harder for him to fight his grin, and damn it, it was so cute.

"But not, like, from the likes of you."

"Whatever you say, Jimin." It wasn't mocking and dismissive the way it used to be. It was more playful.

I stuck my chocolate-covered tongue out at him as he brushed by me, heading to practice.

I shivered from his touch. Then it hit me; my headache was gone.

"That's right, whatever I say. I say you're a buttface!" I called after him.

But-pun intended- I kept the candy.

Jeon Jungkook, the bastard, kept doing it. Kept giving me things.

He was always like, "oh hey, this was an after thought, you take it," but it was cool stuff.

Stuff I specifically would like.

A couple days later, at the end of class, he tossed a t-shirt at my head and just walked away.

I peeled it off my face and held it out in front of me; Green Day.

When I asked him why he gave it to me he waved a hand.

"Seemed like your kind of deal," he said.

Then there was the Chipotle gift card, which I snatched out of his hands as soon as I saw the logo.

"Broke college student meets the best burritos ever for free? Fuck yeah!"

I cradled the little white card in my hands. When I looked up at him, the "why?" plain on my face, he shrugged.

"Somebody gave it to me. Not gonna use it."

"Not gonna...are you insane? It's Chipotle."

One eyebrow lifted slightly and one corner of his lips raised a bit.

"More for you."

I hugged it to my chest, turning slightly away from him.

"You got that right, pal." He left the room without another word, a hint of that smirk on his face.

"What's going on there?" Tae asked from behind me, drawing out all the vowels in the sentence.

I didn't give him a straight answer because I didn't know.

"How's about some Chipotle on Jungkook?"

"You guys on a first-name basis now?"

I dropped my eyes to the ground, flipping the gift card over and over again in my hand.

"I mean, why not, right? He's trying to be nice."

"Yeah. Why not?" Tae's eyes were narrowed, looking at the gift card suspiciously, then at me suspiciously.

"One word and you lose out on your steak burrito bowl with fajita veggies." Taehyung straightened up and mimed zipping his lips.

It went on like that for another week or so, Jungkook giving me small things as afterthoughts.

Sometimes he handed stuff off to tae, and tae would jump into my car on the way home from class with a confused puppy dog face, holding the gift like it was burning his hand.

We'd struck up an uneasy truce.

I was, at least, okay with taking things from him. We're getting somewhere.

And then he gave me the jug.

He cornered me on the quad one morning- in passing?

How did he know when I would be here?

And presented me with another trash bag. Literally, he stepped in front of me and held it out, as silent and solemn as the grave.

"Today's the day, huh? Serial-murderin' time," I said with a knowing nod, and a smile.

A genuine one, unfortunately. I was starting to be happy to see this creep.

Jungkook didn't use his words, just pushed the bag into my chest. This one was bigger and much heavier.

"What are these? Bricks to weigh down my corpse when you throw me in the river?"

Jungkook snorted a laugh, and even grinned a little before schooling his face into something more Jungkook-like.

"Don't," I said before my head-mouth filter could catch up.

"I like it when you smile." Jungkook blinked at me, his mouth falling open a tiny bit.

"Jimin," I mumbled to myself, "your assignment in the next sixty seconds is to top the embarrassing shit you just pulled. Aaaand...go."

I clutched at the bag, but when I looked up, Jungkook was smiling again. Nothing big, nothing showy, just an open smile.

"Shit," I said as I tried to keep my knees from buckling.

"You should, uh, do that more often. You could cure cancer."

Jungkook's cheeks went a little pink.

God, it was cute.

I would kill to know what was going on in that pretty head of his, because it was impossible that I was flirting with this alpha.


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