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Jimin pov

"Don't do this Please. Not now."

I sat on the edge of my bed, holding an orange pill bottle in my left hand and an orange lotion bottle in the other.

My stomach roiled and a metallic taste coated the back of my tongue.

Nausea settled low in my gut and my head pounded; my symptoms were getting worse.

Not only was I starting to feel sick most days, but I could feel myself changing.

There were certain hormonal feelings, urges, to being an omega, and they were creeping back and settling into my bones. I sniffed at my wrist.

My scent was switching back, too, ever-so-slightly.

It wasn't enough for anyone to notice, at least, I hoped not, but I noticed, and it was a major-league problem.

"I don't know what to do. I'm not ready," I whispered.

I popped three pills instead of the dose of two per day. If it made me sicker, so be it. I couldn't go back.

A migraine built up right behind my eyes. I pressed my fingertips into my eyelids.

"This day is going swimmingly, already. What's next, Jeon Jungkook  in my first class?"

I flipped my laptop open and logged onto my online learning lab.

"Pshht. Ethics. I can't believe I have to take this. I already know it's wrong when I shake extra Doritos out of the vending machine."

My fingers flew over the keyboard as I scanned the information.

"class schedule. Discussions. Gross. Hmm, class list." I opened it up and scanned for his name.

At the bottom, as if it were in bold, was the name "Jeon jungkook."

Familiar frustration burned in my chest, burning embers from all our past fights that were easily stoked into a flame.

I couldn't stand the sight of him and here was this required ethics class, shoving him in my face.

Boom! The door flew open and in burst my Mom.

"Ahh!" I flopped over like a trout, rolling off the bed and onto the floor with a thump.

I popped my head up immediately.

"I'm okay."

"Are you, though?" Mom asked with a lifted eyebrow.

"Hey now, hey. You come busting in a man's room unannounced and expect him not to be a little startled?"

"You are the fuzz, after all."

I eyed her suspiciously.

She was wearing her sand-colored sheriff's uniform pants, and a white muscle tank, her short, dark hair wet from the shower.

"Gotta make sure you're up and ready for your first day."

"I'm a grown man, Mom, I don't need to be babied."

I sat up and rearranged my shirt, smoothing it down dramatically.

"This from the guy who refused to go to sleep until I read to him last night."

"It's a hell of a book," I sniffed.

"Besides, you like it when I cut the crusts off your PB and J."

"Touche," she said with a half-smile, backing out of my doorway.

"Hey, you don't get to leave as soon as I get the upper hand."

"Get yourself ready, kid. Tae's gonna bust through the door next." Her voice faded down the hallway.

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