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Jimin pov

"Okay, you guys are just being gross now."

"Don't hate, congratulate," I said, winking at tae as I leaned in for yet another kiss from Jungkook.

My stomach fluttered as I pressed my smile against his. We were in a study room with two people who know our secret, so we could be open with it.

We were in the middle of a study session and my, how things had changed in the past couple of weeks.

I was up in front of the group, strutting back and forth, giving every one their marching orders as usual, but now the angry tension between Jungkook and I had turned sexual, the biting sarcasm to sweet romance, the glares to loving gazes.

"Alright, troops, we're coming into the final battle," I said.

I trailed my fingers across Jungkook's shoulders as I paced. He cracked a shy little smile.

"We've got our paper done and our presentation,we just need to put some finishing touches on it and get Dre ready to tie everything up in front of class."

"I'm just reading off the slides, right? Can't be too hard," he said, shrugging.

"Mostly," I said to him, absently trailing my fingers over the back of jungkook's hand.

"You don't want to read everything, though. The slides won't have much writing on them, but it'll still take longer if you don't know what you want to say. Plus, you'll sound like a robot. He he!"

I giggled, as Jungkook surprised me by pressing his lips to my knuckles.

Taehyung, stuck a finger in his mouth, pretending to choke. "As for the rest of us, we just get to stand around looking like the handsome devils we are."

I looked at Jungkook and my stomach did a flip. "You're the handsomest devil of them all, so I expect you to do all the work in that arena. Okay, baby?"

"Okay, babe." Jungkook pulled me down for another kiss.

"This is like, the X Files or some thing," Tae muttered, dropping his forehead onto the table in front of him.

Dre grimaced. "I wish I never found out about y'all."

Tae scoffed. "I wish I never encouraged all this in the first place."

I threw an arm around Taehyung's shoulders. "You know that's not true, Tae. You love seeing me so happy."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. "I guess. I also like not having to jump in between you."

"Yeah, there's no jumping in between us now," I said, pressing a kiss to the corner of Jungkook's mouth.

He beamed at me and my stupid heart skipped a beat.

"We'll never get anything done at this rate," Tae muttered.

"The good news is, we're not far from the finish line. The power of group work, baby!"

I high-fived all the guys. Tae and Dre whooped, and the sharp, loud sounds made me wince.

My stomach was suddenly killing me and a slight headache was brewing.

I was taking fewer Betatrix pills now, but still more than the recommended dosage. My body was not happy.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at me.

Trust my awesome alpha to pick up on me being sick. The problem was, he was a first-class snitch.

"You're sick," he said, which dropped the smiles off Tae and Dre's faces.

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